Green Mission and Agenda Sets public?

By DarthNebbish, in Imperial Assault Campaign

During Campaign Setup:

  1. When the Green Missions are chosen, does the Imperial Player get to see what those are?
  2. Do the Rebel Players get to know the composition of the Agenda Deck (which Agenda Sets the IP chose)?

I didn't see anything about showing or hiding that information from your opponents in either section of the rules. The only relevant bit I noticed was this in the Hidden Information section:


Other Cards: Players cannot look at the cards in any deck except for the Reward deck. Discarded cards, active missions, faceup cards on the table, and cards in players' play areas are open information and may be read by any player at any time

One way to interpret this is that it prevents players from knowing what the next card is in a deck. That's relevant for side missions, but not for Agendas since that deck gets shuffled immediately before drawing/purchasing.

1. If it's not defined to be hidden, it's open. So, everyone knows what green side missions are included in the side mission deck. However, by RAW no-one knows what grey missions there are - although if you beforehand disqualify enough of them, then everyone knows.

2. Beginner rebels do not need to know, they have a lot of other things to worry about, and they would do very little with the information. And I think most want to be surprised.

(In all of my Play by Forum games the chosen agenda sets have been secret, but verifyable so that I can't change them mid-campaign.)

Our group set the gray cards to public after they were selected.

It turned into a headache when we had to take a week+ break from it due to scheduling conflcits. So making the info of "which missions are in the deck for this campaign" public meant we could write it down on our campaign logs.

In order to maintain the spirit of the law, we'd shuffle the non-discarded side mission deck every time we'd draw the next side missions to mull over.