my Waiqars

By Captain_Y, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Hello. I’m very late on wagon and was collecting Rune Wars waiqars for a while. I’be been hearing it’s excellently designed game but virtually no one played here. I liked waiqars miniatures so much and have other games I can field them, so collected anyway.

i got them painted by Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka(look up for them). It’s beautifully done. Pics are on my twitter thread. I’m very sorry they stopped supporting RWM, also feel little bad not giving the game try. I thought these pics might be appreciated here. Either way, my undeads will thrive on Saga:Age of Magic, Kings of War, and other games.

(for note-I usually paint my miniatures myself, just having two jobs these days. Also I just realized it does not matter to visualizing ideal wargaming scene)

Great painting job. I love this game but can play quite a lot since I invested heavily and bought 3 armies. Need airbrush to finish them though....

I am sorry you will not see full potential of this beautifully and cleverly designed gem of a game.