A Galaxy Divided! IC thread (players only please)

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic


Hyperpings: Bespin, corusaunt, fondor, Hadoral Prime,kashyyk,kuat, ryloth,sullust

At bespin an imperial force approaches the planet and quickly Dispatches a rebel Cr90 which was in the area.

At Fondor an imperial fleet engages the local garrison fleet, the garrison fleet takes heavy damage losing a nebulon-b and forced to retreat. The imperial forces suffer some damage and lose a Gozanti cruiser with the ground forces on board.

At Ryloth a large Rebel Fleet intercepts an Imperial force attempting to Secure the area. The Imperial Force is almost annihilated by overwhelming firepower and is forced to retreat, losing an VSD and an GSD and 2 tie bombers. the last GSD is left with 1 hp retreats. The rebels suffer some significant damage but dont lose any ships.

a couple other results may be pending

@LTD , @Npmartian , @GhostofNobodyInParticular , @The Jabbawookie , @CaribbeanNinja , @Ling27

Victory at Ryloth!

(and maybe Coruscant)


1 hour ago, LTD said:

Nah, we’re just chilling out in the unknown regions for a few decades until you forget about us.