Book of Elessar - Play Series (Update: The Uruk-hai Saga)

By manoftomorrow010, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

On 1/28/2020 at 9:57 AM, manoftomorrow010 said:

Shadow and Flame gameplay! A fun quest, and there's a great shock in this game where I thought it was going to slip away from me.

Awesome play! Just wondering why Durin's Bane did not get a shadow card at 45:00? Shouldn't the deck have been reshuffled and then dealt a shadow to him? I'm probably missing something. I don't have this quest yet.

Edited by Bobbymcbobface
2 minutes ago, Bobbymcbobface said:

Awesome play! Just wondering why Durin's Bane did not get a shadow card at 45:00? Shouldn't the deck have been reshuffled and then dealt a shadow to him?

Nope! You only reshuffle the encounter deck during the Quest Phase ! So if the encounter deck runs out during another phase, it remains empty until the quest phase.

In the Rules Reference on page 15 (emphasis added):


If the encounter deck is ever out of cards during the quest phase , the encounter deck discard pile is shuffled and reset back into the encounter deck.

4 minutes ago, manoftomorrow010 said:


AHHHHHHHHRRRRGGGGGHHHH. ... ... ... Me thinking back to how many quests I've probably lost because I misunderstood this. Thank you for clarifying!!!!

Just now, Bobbymcbobface said:

AHHHHHHHHRRRRGGGGGHHHH. ... ... ... Me thinking back to how many quests I've probably lost because I misunderstood this. Thank you for clarifying!!!!

no worries! It was also a thing I used to mess up, too, because I naturally assumed it needed to reshuffle 🙂

Thanks for watching!

19 minutes ago, manoftomorrow010 said:

Thanks for watching!

I love your diligent work for the game, and awesome narrative write ups.

I'm pleased to announce that my blog has received an exclusive preview for the final Adventure Pack! Finally, a Spirit Aragorn hero!

Spirit Aragorn Custom

April Fools 😜

Edited by manoftomorrow010

It's been a tough time, but I managed to get back to my saga campaign series. This is Journey in the Dark with a Fellowship contract deck. Enjoy!

Wrapping up The Road Darkens box with Breaking of the Fellowship.

Not an Aragorn series video, or even an Aragorn deck! I felt like playing more random decks on my channel, especially since this is my Rohan creation, which has been through a lot of the quests in the game. I am replaying the entire Haradrim cycle with my physical cards at home, solo, using this deck, and figured I'd showcase it in a couple games.

I've got a new Saga video featuring a thematic Three Hunters contract deck against The Uruk-hai!