Book of Elessar - Play Series (Update: The Uruk-hai Saga)

By manoftomorrow010, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

This is a quality series, keep it up!

1 hour ago, banania said:

This is a quality series, keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback and for watching and reading!

Just started watching the series. Keep it up!

9 hours ago, PigsAreOurEquals said:

Just started watching the series. Keep it up!

Thank you so much!

Here is the video for Foundations of Stone!

A couple of failures in this one, so skip ahead to 17:00 if you just want the successful game.

Shadow and Flame gameplay! A fun quest, and there's a great shock in this game where I thought it was going to slip away from me.

Here is the gameplay for Peril in Pelargir! I should complete the narrative sometime this weekend.

And here is the game of Into Ithilien!

Check out my game for Siege of Cair Andros!