So... Darth Bane?!

By Rcracken7, in Star Wars: Destiny

We’ve seen him spoiled, and I am pumped that he is coming to the game. But will he be good? How would one use him? What good upgrades would effectively utilize his ability?

I’m not overly impressed. His two resource for an ability upgrade is very nice. But he’s mixed damage, his cost only allows the eight cost partners. 21 would have been much better. He’s worse than Maul and Vader, in my opinion. And, at 14 health, he’s still in danger of a turn two, before using his dice, kill from R2/Chopper. Vader at 15 is at least immune to that.

If there turns out to be a great 8 cost, or even a 13 cost elite, then he may have a chance. His power makes him really attractive even non-elite, so a 13 cost partner that synergizes well would be my hope.