Recruitment Drive

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I've always been a fan of the GHTROC 720 freighter if we are able to at least add a second weapon/ideally a turret or cannon for another gunner position. If we are able to use all 4 HP the better. (Ship is in Enter the Unknown).

Am I thinking to low, or should I think higher for this campaign? (Revan's War).

On 9/9/2019 at 11:23 PM, Rabobankrider said:

The equipment list is below:

If you want to play as a jedi, you start with the following equipment:

Jedi Utility Belt
Stim Pack x1
Jedi Multi-Tool
Aquata Breather
Food Capsules (3days)

You also get either jdi armoured robes, or concealing robes depending on your playstyle.

You will also be able to create your own lightsaber using these rules:

  • Make a hard perception check. If you get a success you can get an attachment from this list . If it is below 1,000 credits you can add it to the lightsaber automatically.
  • Make an average mechanic check. Success means you make the lightsaber hilt of your choice. If you fail just roll till you get at least 1 success. Advantages can be spent to improve its cosmetics, but 3 advantage reduces encumbrance by 1, 3 disadvantage does the opposite. Triumph increase the hard points by 1, while a crit fail reduces them by 1.

Some gear-related questions for Jedi characters in Revan's War ...

Am I correct in thinking that we get the items listed above plus the standard starting cash (500 +1d100 credits) for other purchases? *

Is there a reason why this version of the Jedi Utility Belt doesn't include the Emergency Medpac or the Glow Rod (flashlight), but does have one Stimpack?

The link has some useful stuff, but it doesn't list all the possible weapon attachments for lightsabres. (Nor is it up to date with attachments from the two Clone Wars era sourcebooks.) For example, the Magnetic Weapon Tether from Keeping the Peace is not on the list, and that's the free attachment which Armatta would like to get from the successful Perception check.

ETA: * Random portion of staring cash is ...

1d100 random portion of starting cash : 1d100 20

+20 credits.

Edited by Bellona
Random portion of starting cash.
2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Bellona You can do the check to create the talisman, but bear in mind that jedi tend to look down on alchemy, so I will also need an average stealth check with a setback to see if the character can get away with it.

Trying to get away with alchemical crafting (Protective Amulet from Unlimited Power ) ... using Sleight of Mind talent (Padawan Survivor universal) to add a Boost, and Sense Danger talent (Padawan) to remove the Setback:

Avg. Stealth for alchemical talisman crafting : 3eA+1eB+2eD 2 successes
a--.png a-s-s.png a-s.png b-a.png d--.png d-f-th.png

Sneakiness achieved!

Trying to craft a Protective Amulet:

Craft Protective Talisman (this time remembering to include the Force dice) : 1eP+2eA+2eF+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph, 3 Dark Side
p-tr.png a-s.png a-a.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png d-f.png


A thing of horror! (Success, but 3 DS pips which are potentially very bad news.) Armatta destroys the result - and probably has bad dreams that night. However, she did manage to recoup some of the materials used. (1 Triumph, used to gain the Careful Measuring result; used only 50% of materials.)

... It was either that, or use the 3 DS pips both to increase the cost by 25% (Sloppy Integration) and to add a Boost to anyone trying to determine the talisman's purpose (Noticeable), which would then be off-set by adding a Setback to anyone trying to determine the talisman's purpose (Hidden Purpose) ... and that's just a silly combo. Even sillier would be wandering around with a necklace with an encumbrance value of 1, 2, or even 3!

So, that was 150 credits down the drain (it would have been more, if not for the Careful Measuring). Armatta will have to try again later, when she has more credits on hand.

On 9/21/2019 at 3:24 AM, Rabobankrider said:

@Xcapobl , as interesting as that would be, unfortunately clones are limited to none force specs 😛


I was joking, of course, and everything I see after that makes me confedent you saw that too. But serious question, why couldn't a Clone take, for example, Forse Sensitive Emergent somewhere along the line? (Not that I am thinking about it, just very curious, as I might have missed a remark about that in the books.)

Now transferring the character I built to a SWSheets format during my nightshift, by the way. The result:

Edited by Xcapobl
Added SWSheets link

Here is Slowen Lo, Mystic Healer, submitted for your review. I am still adding the descriptions of the talents and Force powers but it should be readable.

Roll for attachment

Hard Perception for Lightsaber Attachment : 1eA+1eP+1eB+3eD 1 success, 1 threat
a-s-a.png p--.png b-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

Roll for lightsaber Hilt

Build a lightsaber hilt : 4eA+2eD 4 successes
a-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png

The Clone Pilot for the Cyclone Squad will be arriving shortly. :)

Edited by vandarl

@Sincereagape , the party do actually already have a ship, using the stats of the Crucible from 'Disciples of Harmony'. I'll link the stats if needed at the end of the session when the ship will be returned to the party. However if you wanted something like a fighter or smaller ship that could fit into an augmented hanger, that is a possibility.

The character looks good to me, but as a note their backstory may cause them some ic grief within the order. As they are only returning to Corouscant now after the war it is likely they were declared to be an exile like the others who went to war. However ic they are likely to need help with the upcoming threat, so you will still be able to join the party. It may just cause some ic chafing with other npc's.

@Bellona , the items listed are the starting gear as all jedi carry pretty stock equipment. However you can request specific items related to backstory etc if you think it fits the character. If I approve then it can be added.

The primary reason utility belt was missing those things is I forgot they were a part of it. Feel free to add them.

If you want to take an attachment valued under 1,000 credits that isn't on the list, feel free to do so.

The jedi characters are currently starting with a standard 500 credits, effectively gifted by the order to help with missions etc as they don't have to pay for things most adventuring parties would have to.

When the character backstory is filled out they will be ready to join. :)

@Xcapobl , currently there are no force sensitive clones as they are all part of the Fett template (Null clones are not currently a part of the story).

The clone character is looking good to me (if you want you could upgrade the emergency pack to the regular one). Your character will be introduced after the battle.

@vandarl , the character is looking good, I'll just need the details in the backstory to be filled out and they will be ready to join.

@Rabobankrider - Awesome. Thank you for accepting the characters. And thumbs up for the group having the Crucible. Jemech beginning with some "Heat/Grief" upon returning due to his role in the war is fine with me. KOTOR 2 is a personal favorite, especially the scene where the Exile gives up their LS.

I"m going to shoot for the moon on the starfighter --- Any chance I can begin the game with a "Commandeered" Mandalorian Protectorate Star Frighter from No Disintegrations? 😁

Edited by Sincereagape

@Rabobankrider Armatta has now been updated on SWSheets, including her backstory. (I don't have time right now to update the MediaFire sheets.)

@Sincereagape As per the private message, I included something in Armatta's background. If it's not suitable, then please let me know and I'll change it. :)

@Sincereagape , the protectorate is not actually a thing in this era, as mandalorians primarily road basilisk war droids into battle. However I am happy to reskin it as a Davaab fighter: if you want. However it would be tricky to get hold of, so I'll need a check to see if you have been able to capture one in battle. I think a combat check will be best to see if the character were able to capture the fighter, so I will need a hard lightsaber check please.

@Bellona , the character looks good to me, but as a quick note their version of the code may cause them some ic conflict (especially with the likes of Atris on the council), as with @Sincereagape 's backstory. If you're happy with that they can join by rolling vigilance, and join in the second round of combat as well. :)

@vandarl when you finish your backstory you may also roll vigilance for initiative and join the combat.

@Rabobankrider Thank you.

The code issue is fine by me. I've always thought that the revised code ("There is no X, only Y") was too absolutist, an over-simplification if you want. Master Seltash is a bit of a rebel in his own way. (Which is probably why Armatta knows about alchemical crafting of Protective Amulets.)

As for the neutrality/"join Revan against the Mandalorians" question, the disagreement was more between the masters - and even then only in the later years and more of a philosophical one. Seltash isn't the sort to run to the High Council to tell tales on others, and is perfectly happy to meet/talk with the other master and padawan. Armatta was too young to go running off to join Revan even if she wanted to do so, therefore it was a non-issue for her back then.

We are newly-made knights, right?

Also, what year is it by the BBY/ABY calendar? (Which obviously isn't used by the galaxy at this point.)

Edited by Bellona

Around 3960 BBY and we are all Padawans. Most everyone is in their twenties, having gotten their crystals in the first session at a young age. Zoroku is now the oldest Padawan of the group at 31.


@Rabobankrider Roll for Mando Star Fighter

Stealing Mando StarShip : 3eA+1eP+3eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a-a.png p-s.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-f-th.png

This campaign is not starting well for me....Heh. I guess may Jemech start off with a Aurek Tactical (A-Wing stats)?

On 9/26/2019 at 4:26 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@vandarl , the character is looking good, I'll just need the details in the backstory to be filled out and they will be ready to join.

I will get that updated ASAP. I was down and out most of this week and had trouble focusing on the screen to type. Should have it going shortly though.

Here is the link for the Clone Pilot for the Cyclone Squad.

@Bellona , @Shlambate is correct. You guys are playing as padawans (or non-jedi equivalents), so earning knighthood can be something to aim towards throughout the game.

@Sincereagape , you can have an Aurek using A-wing stats, yes. You can always work up to a better fighter throughout the game.

@vandarl , no worries. The clone character looks good, but don't forget you can request a piece of specialist equipment if you want.

@Rabobankrider - Okay. Sounds good. I made some minor changes to the character sheet.

  1. Added breach and sunder to the LS qualities (For the Illium crystal)
  2. rolled for starting credits. Starting Cash : 1d100 57
  3. Not sure if Jedi started with 500 credits. If we did. I spent 500 credits as reflected in the personal gear section. I can get ride of those if we do not get to start off with 500 base CC credits.
  4. Edit: Also corrected defensive values. Defense Ranged 3 (Armored Robes + Deflection 2 from Guard Shoto lS hilt) + Defense Melee 2. (Essentially just switched the values to reflect the correction).
Edited by Sincereagape
Edit: Corrected Defensive Values on Character Sheet)

@Sincereagape , that all seems fine to me.

@vandarl , that looks good to go, I'll add you to the game.

For anyone interested, I am also looking to recruit for my EotE game, The Circuit. This is a bit different to the rest of my games, as it is focused heavily on swoop and speeder racing in the Corellia system. The players would be playing as part of a team looking to make it big, and examples of possible characters include pilots, mechanics, security, managers, front men, team doctors etc. If anyone is interested, please let me know!

I might be interested. What's your general post rate?

I'd say on average 2-3 times a week, but I do say the minimum is once a week.