A Galaxy Divided! Oc/rules discussion

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

That wasn’t part of the deal!

1) There’s always room on Kessel.

2) Kessel is always part of the deal.

... I’ll leave now 😁

1 hour ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Making room on Kessel?

Getting the Sarlacc on Tatooine good and hungry, actually. It's very temporary work, and actually pretty permanent housing.

But seriously, firefighting on Mustafar and lifeguarding on Scarif are looking promising right now.

Another quick thought clarification before I resolve everything.

If a ship that is carrying ground forces is destroyed, the ground forces are lost.

If the ship was carrying Squads the squads can remain in orbit under their own power (but will have to be picked up by another ship if they need to retreat or otherwise move)

For Turn 1 since i hadn't made that clear already I think I will simply move any GF that would have been lost around to other ships but in the future they will go down with the ship.

dont forget if your fighters have an *by them it means they are damaged (i.e. X*)

Do you announce invasion of neutral planets?

2 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Do you announce invasion of neutral planets?

I did

New clarification based on a question from one of the players. If your planet is invaded (or an enemy force enters orbit/bombard it) and you did not have a fleet in orbit, you will get a report on the apprximate size of the force rounded to the nearest 50 (I. E. The fleet was 300 points strong) but no specifics.

Any time 2 fleets meet in combat both players will get full details about the enemy fleet.

Orders in.

Just so everyone knows, I am going out of town this weekend and will not be able to process anything while I'm gone.

Because of that I'm going to give any unfinished orders to the GAs in about 5 hours to make sure that they are ready for tonight

Orders are in.

Sorry, I guess I forgot to hit send earlier. Thats my fault.

@clontroper5 - your talk of "morning" and "tomorrow" is unhelpful to those us not in the Pacific Northwest...

5 hours ago, LTD said:

@clontroper5 - your talk of "morning" and "tomorrow" is unhelpful to those us not in the Pacific Northwest...

The next 3ish hours, I finished most of the hard work, and basically need to write the reports and things like that for everyone. I wasn't able to finish it last night but can finish while I'm at work during lulls

OK I think I got everyone's PMs sent. I will add more detailed battle reports and the Spynet reports soon. Let me know about your Invasions and bombardments and I will get everything worked out.

Turn 3 will end on Monday night about 80 hours from now (let me know if there will be any issues with that)

If my fleet jumped out because of the cautious stance, can I jump back into that space again?

3 minutes ago, Ling27 said:

If my fleet jumped out because of the cautious stance, can I jump back into that space again?


(sez me, cos 'REASONS')

4 hours ago, Ling27 said:

If my fleet jumped out because of the cautious stance, can I jump back into that space again?

Has @LTD said, no you have to jump away to a Friendly world (or deepspace)

('cos "REASONS")

Draft orders submitted - unless someone on my team wants to lend me 2 credits...

Also, @Npmartian it would be nice to hear from you in the team chat...

Orders in.

1 hour ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Orders in.

A likely story. More Imperial Propaganda from the Beast of Byss!