A Galaxy Divided! Oc/rules discussion

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic



The cost of Ground Forces does not seem to be listed in the rules.

But you later say it is 10, which is standard for these games.

I wish to clarify the Fighter/Bomber rules - do X-wings add their dice to any fighter battle, and then add their dice to any ship battles? Or is it one or the other?

**A planet can produce up to 150% of its credit value of units each turn. Provided you have the Credits Available from other sources **

Is this rounded up or down?

10 minutes ago, LTD said:

**A planet can produce up to 150% of its credit value of units each turn. Provided you have the Credits Available from other sources **

Is this rounded up or down?


14 minutes ago, LTD said:

The cost of Ground Forces does not seem to be listed in the rules.

But you later say it is 10, which is standard for these games.

I wish to clarify the Fighter/Bomber rules - do X-wings add their dice to any fighter battle, and then add their dice to any ship battles? Or is it one or the other?

Yes ground forces will cost 10, I will make sure to add it to the rules

So fighter/bombers will Attack squads first and then left over damage will then apply to ships

(I. E. 4 X-Wings are fighting 2 tie fighters, after damage is rolled they get 3 hits killing both tie fighters and then the 3rd hit goes through to enemy ships.)

Edited by clontroper5

B. It makes more sense.

42 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

So fighter/bombers will Attack squads first and then left over damage will then apply to ships

(I. E. 4 X-Wings are fighting 2 tie fighters, after damage is rolled they get 3 hits killing both tie fighters and then the 3rd hit goes through to enemy ships.)

Ok - let's assume the enemy has no fighters. Do the X-wings roll their dice in the squad phase with left overs going to the ship combat (ie, their rolls of 4, etc, are wasted) or do they roll with the ships in the ship phase in order to benefit from the Warships present, etc?

2 minutes ago, LTD said:

Ok - let's assume the enemy has no fighters. Do the X-wings roll their dice in the squad phase with left overs going to the ship combat (ie, their rolls of 4, etc, are wasted) or do they roll with the ships in the ship phase in order to benefit from the Warships present, etc?

if there is no Enemy Squads they would add there dice to the Ship Attack pool (so their 4s could be used by Warships etc.)

2 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

if there is no Enemy Squads they would add there dice to the Ship Attack pool (so their 4s could be used by Warships etc.)

On a related note, if a squad with Bomber Is destroyed in the squad phase it will not add its attack to the ship phase (representing them getting intercepted)

Ok, but what if I have 10 Xwings and a Warship, and the enemy has 1 Tie fighter.

Do all 10 of my X-Wings roll in the squad battle to destroy the one Tie Fighter, so then any 4s they roll can't be modified by the Warship in the ship phase, OR do any excess rolls (including any 4s) make it to the next round of battle?

I also have a question about random allocation of hits - is each hit allocated randomly, or is each ship targetted randomly and all hits applied to it before the next takes hits?

For example, a fleet of 10 Corvettes takes 5 hits. Is it more likely that 2 Corvettes are destroyed and 1 damaged, or that 5 corvettes take 1 hit each... asking for a friend...

Also, on the ship yards / fighter production bonuses...

Do we round up or down on the production cost? 75% of an X-Wing means the X-Wing costs 13.5 - is it 13 or 14? (I assume 14, but it never hurts to ask).

8 minutes ago, LTD said:

Ok, but what if I have 10 Xwings and a Warship, and the enemy has 1 Tie fighter.

Do all 10 of my X-Wings roll in the squad battle to destroy the one Tie Fighter, so then any 4s they roll can't be modified by the Warship in the ship phase, OR do any excess rolls (including any 4s) make it to the next round of battle?

ok so we will treat it so left over dice are carried over to the next phase (but their result is not changed)

9 minutes ago, LTD said:

I also have a question about random allocation of hits - is each hit allocated randomly, or is each ship targetted randomly and all hits applied to it before the next takes hits?

For example, a fleet of 10 Corvettes takes 5 hits. Is it more likely that 2 Corvettes are destroyed and 1 damaged, or that 5 corvettes take 1 hit each... asking for a friend...

each hit will be randomly allocated individually. so in your example they are more likely to have many damaged instead of a few destroyed .

7 minutes ago, LTD said:

Also, on the ship yards / fighter production bonuses...

Do we round up or down on the production cost? 75% of an X-Wing means the X-Wing costs 13.5 - is it 13 or 14? (I assume 14, but it never hurts to ask).

for the cost of the Ships and Fighters after discounts we will round up so 14 for the x-wing. (actually maybe i should just make a chart with the modified costs on it just to make it clear...)

3 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

ok so we will treat it so left over dice are carried over to the next phase (but their result is not changed)

To clarify: this means extra fives and sixes carry over, but the fours are not able to be used under the warship to become hits?

2 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

To clarify: this means extra fives and sixes carry over, but the fours are not able to be used under the warship to become hits?

So the dice will be added to the ship pool and could be used by any of the Ships as normal but they won't be rerolled (so 4s will still be 4s and 5s will stay as 5s etc.)

Next questions:

Only squadrons with the bomber keyword (including fighter/bomber) can fight ships. Ships cannot target fighters.

What happens if a 400 point fleet of ships (no fighters) jumps to a planet defended by 400 points of A-wings?

What happens if a 400 point fleet of ships (no fighters) jumps to a planet that is defended by 400 points of bombers, but the fleet has orders to stay until they take 75% of casualties? Does the fleet simply stay there and get chomped to bits?

6 minutes ago, LTD said:

Next questions:

Only squadrons with the bomber keyword (including fighter/bomber) can fight ships. Ships cannot target fighters.

What happens if a 400 point fleet of ships (no fighters) jumps to a planet defended by 400 points of A-wings?

What happens if a 400 point fleet of ships (no fighters) jumps to a planet that is defended by 400 points of bombers, but the fleet has orders to stay until they take 75% of casualties? Does the fleet simply stay there and get chomped to bits?

So ships will target ships first. But should all enemy ships be destroyed they can then damage fighters.

However Squads without Bomber or Fighter/Bomber can never damage ships.

So in the first example the 400points of A-wings would be destroyed

In the 2nd example the fleets would fight normally

Edited by clontroper5

Ok cool. I had not realised ships could target squads.

I think I have everyone's starting fleet except @Npmartian , let me know if you have any questions about the Spreadsheets and what not.

Made a couple rules updates for some possible scenarios


it's possible for Squads to become stranded during battle if their fleet retreats and there isn't enough hanger Capacity to carry them. Should a fleet retreat and be forced to abandon some squads those squads will stay and Fight to the Death with a -1 penalty on all rolls.


Should an invasion end with both sides losing all GF, the Defenders will retain control of the planet with 1 GF in the garrison (even if they would have had 0 otherwise)

Also made a Document with all of the Charts on it for easy access

Edited by clontroper5

Done. Sorry for the wait.

Turn 1 orders submitted.


But why? We already surrendered!

3 minutes ago, LTD said:

But why? We already surrendered!

He has to move Imperial Occupation forces to disarm your troops obviously

12 minutes ago, LTD said:

But why? We already surrendered!

Send your forces to deep space and prepare for detention, if you would be so kind, while we deal with your silent friends.

We are in the process of finding temporary work and housing for your forces.

17 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

We are in the process of finding temporary work and housing for your forces.

Making room on Kessel?