A Galaxy Divided! Oc/rules discussion

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I think last one is @Npmartian

i lied we need also need @The Jabbawookie ...

Apologies for the delay guys, having computer issues. Orders will be in for Np and I tomorrow afternoon.

Edited by The Jabbawookie
6 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Apologies for the delay guys, having computer issues. Orders will be in for Np and I tomorrow afternoon.

Are you giving him orders too? The traitor!


Sorry for the delay guys, hopefully we can get everything done soon

(this game is going great logistically)

Edited by clontroper5

I see you Clontroper5....check your email........

all orders have been received, im going to process them ASAP

Awesome sauce.

Update: mostly processed I need to resolve battles and I am awaiting a clarification from a couple players

Ohhh. The anticipation is killing me.

10 hours ago, Ling27 said:

Ohhh. The anticipation is killing me.

No - that would be the Rebel Alliance...

49 minutes ago, LTD said:

No - that would be the Rebel Alliance...

Good; we can wait a little longer then.

3 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Good; we can wait a little longer then.

Something something dark side.

@clontroper5 In the last two days I’ve driven 1000km with my six kids and wife towing a trailer. Tomorrow I’m looking at 12 different houses trying to decide which to buy (cheap and renovatable or expensive and lazy?).

I would really like to be able to make important life decisions without worrying about whether my troops took Anaxes or if Mon Cala resisted the siege.

A grateful galaxy holds its breath in antici....

Edited by LTD
2 hours ago, LTD said:

@clontroper5 In the last two days I’ve driven 1000km with my six kids and wife towing a trailer. Tomorrow I’m looking at 12 different houses trying to decide which to buy (cheap and renovatable or expensive and lazy?).

I would really like to be able to make important life decisions without worrying about whether my troops took Anaxes or if Mon Cala resisted the siege.

A grateful galaxy holds its breath in antici....

Yea sorry I wasn't able to finish processing today but I should be able to during the day tomorrow


good news! processing is finally done! bad news i just found a rather large error...so i may need to trouble suit that a little....

Well I made an offer on a house. I went for renovation light, mortgage max.

What’s happening on Coruscant ?

On 9/26/2019 at 2:45 PM, The Jabbawookie said:

raw raw raw raw

raw raw raw raw

raw raw raw raw

raw raw raw raw

In all seriousness, take your time Clon.

On 10/3/2019 at 4:41 AM, ImperialYeet said:

I see you Clontroper5....check your email........

Ok Yeet - tell us a joke and introduce yourself.

Why are you posting in our thread? Are you a replacement player for someone?

Oh boy......

So I'm a completely random person who was interested, thus I got ahold of the rules and asked Clontroper5(I know your name......) for permission to edit the rules. So far his crudding spelling has been fixed.

Argg sorry guys I thought I finished everything... Hectic weekend...

Oof this is Turing out it be more of a time investment then I Anticipated.