Nemesis are undervalued

By player4273900, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Hi all,

there are already several reviews and advices (on YouTube or blog) about the five superheroes and their signature cards. Most of them are very interesting, but none discuss the impact of the nemesis cards.

Of course, you don’t have choice and it is not a part of the deckbuilding but you will see theses card a lot, almost mayday ad nauseam, and they will change the course of a scenario. A side scheme with a crisis symbol (like Titania one) can be very dangerous at the wrong moment and some treachery seems powerful.

Heroes are defined by their specific cards but not thinking about the nemesis is missing a part of the game, I think.

Will you see them a lot? From the play throughs that I’ve watched I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true. At least in the core set there’s only 1 encounter card in a deck of around 30 that can bring the Nemesis into the game, and due to the way the encounter cards work, it’s not unreasonable that even if the card comes out, it comes out as a boost rather than an encounter. There are also multiple effects in the core that can cancel an encounter card, and arguably Shadows of the Past is one of the most likely candidates to use this kind of thing on as the impact can be quite huge if it comes into play.

I think it’s certainly a big deal if a Nemesis does come into play, but do you think one is worse than the others? There’s potential for worse Nemesis cards to balance more powerful heroes, but I’m not sure we’ve seen anything like this with the core yet - what is your analysis of the existing Nemeses?

They're absolutely worth discussing, and I think it's reflective of people's history that they want to discuss cards in isolation, not as a holistic body.

Given that in any given game, you have about an X * 50% chance of seeing one or more nemeses (where X is the number of times you go through the deck), you will see nemeses a fair amount.

I think the nemeses absolutely play out at different power levels. Look at Vulture versus Killmonger. Vulture has Quickstrike with 3 Attack, and sure, that's not fun, but Spidey can handle 3 damage. Compare to Killmonger. Killmonger has the same-valued stat spread (2/2 vs 1/3), and one more hit point. However , in a solo game, Killmonger is a beast . Dealing 5 damage as Black Panther to a minion without using your core mechanic is going to take a lot of focus away from your primary goal.

Having played about 40 games, I can agree that evaluation of the weight of the nemesis deck is sorely lacking in a lot of discussion of heroes.

Also, just in case this conversation blows up, the plural of nemesis is nemeses.

8 hours ago, FearLord said:

I think it’s certainly a big deal if a Nemesis does come into play, but do you think one is worse than the others?

Titania and her treacheries seem very strong. As said above, Killmonger is difficult to deal with in solo mode. In duo mode, Iron Man and Captain Marvel have both treacheries which punish energy cards.

On 9/4/2019 at 4:27 PM, CitizenKeen said:

Also, just in case this conversation blows up, the plural of nemesis is nemeses.
