Detonate vs Repulsor Vehicles

By hcory2343, in Rules

Does detonate of mine work on Repulsor vehicles? Such as speeder bikes. My friend said they don't because they are speeder 1 ability. I was under the thought when you detonate and if they are in range and in line of sight they are affect by the mine detonate.

I am new to the forum thanks for any help

He is both right and wrong. If you read the Minefield objective card, it says they detonate "after a non-repulsor unit performs a move." Therefore, they don't work on speeder bikes because it says on their card they are repulsor vehicles. It is not because they have the speeder 1 ability.

4 hours ago, hcory2343 said:

Does detonate of mine work on Repulsor vehicles? Such as speeder bikes. My friend said they don't because they are speeder 1 ability. I was under the thought when you detonate and if they are in range and in line of sight they are affect by the mine detonate.

I am new to the forum thanks for any help

The only time that detonate doesn't work is with repulsors on the battlefield condition minefield. other then that a saboteurs bombs can detonate and hit them, this includes on the speeder x movement. the speeder x means while they move they ignore terrain up to the x value and can go over it no problem but bombs can still hit them.

Thanks you very much

Actually if another unit triggers the mine (during minefield condition), and the repulsor vehicle is in range, it gets affected by the mine.