Why don't they FAQ points cost?

By legofiddl3, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I can't find the answer to this, so if it has been asked before (as I feel like it should have) please point me to it.

Why don't they adjust points for ships via FAQ or errata? They errata and FAQ the card games and X wing.

Has it been stated why they don't do Armada.


X-Wing didn't really get points updates until Second Edition, with the app which everyone is supposed to use.

As to why, FFG is rather reluctant to update points, my guess is tournament legality. When they errata a card, it obviously doesn't physically change existing cards. If someone doesn't know about or doesn't check the FAQ, they'll build their fleet based on the original printing. Now, imagine this person takes their list to a tournament, and then discovers a card has been errata'd. If it's a change of effect, that may be frustrating, but the list is still legal to play. If it's a change of points or upgrade slots, the list may no longer be legal, and the person can't play at all.

I don't know that this is the reason, but I think it certainly fits with them changing effects but not points.

Edited by JJ48