Job question...

By Jammer134, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

When a player is performing a Job card - the rules (I think) say it is performed during the Encounter Phase. My question is - after completing or failing the job, is the Encounter Phase completed, or does the player still have a choice with normal encounter options such as drawing a space card or turning over a character tile?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Jammer134
On 8/23/2019 at 5:58 PM, Jammer134 said:

When a player is performing a Job card - the rules (I think) say it is performed during the Encounter Phase. My question is - after completing or failing the job, is the Encounter Phase completed, or does the player still have a choice with normal encounter options such as drawing a space card or turning over a character tile?

Thanks in advance!

Page 9 of the Learn To Play booklet:


"During your encounter step, you must choose one of the following options. The options are summarized below and explained in detail in the following sections ."

Encounter a Patrol : Fight a ship combat against a patrol token in your space. If you have negative reputation with a patrol in your space, you must choose to encounter it and you cannot perform other types of encounters.

Encounter Your Space : Draw an encounter card matching your space.

Encounter a Contact : Reveal and encounter a contact token on your planet. This will let you resolve a specific databank card that often provides crew.

Resolve an Encounter Ability : Some card abilities are preceded by the bold word “Encounter.” Simply resolve the ability on the card.

The rules say you must choose only one of the above options. So, yes. After you complete or fail the job (the last option mentioned above), the Encounter Phase is completed.