L5R on Drivethrurpg

By js75free, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

When will Winter's Embrace and Courts of Stone be available on DrivethruRPG?

No one who can answer that posts on the forums. This wait does seem longer even than the previous ones. Generally they seem to do a bit of errata before posting the PDFs.

Hopefully they will be up soon. If you really need an answer, you can always try contacting Customer Service.

19 minutes ago, deraforia said:

Generally they seem to do a bit of errata before posting the PDFs.

I'm fine with this... though I don't think there's been a published errata for Emerald Empire yet, though?

You know, I'm not certain. I know the core book had a lot of errors in school curricula that got cleared up in the PDF, and Shadowlands I believe had some clarifications as well. I don't have a physical book to compare to, so I'm not sure what changes were made.

I do know the released a version with better maps, at least.

I have reached both sides of the party but I didn’t receive an answer on this. If I receive one or I find out is out I’ll post it ASAP.

Following this. Been wondering why I haven't found Court of Stone there, and with the upcoming book I've been worried that they won't be releasing new pdfs. Premature, I know, but I worry :P