1. When a unit's suppression is enough to have them in 'panic', but they are in range of their leader, and they choose to move outside of their leader's influence, what happens? It took the unit 1 action to move outside of the leaders influence, but then do they get their second action?
2. Considering the ATST as a participant in a battle and as terrain, how do you determine line of site? When we were playing, I could slightly see the top of another unit's head looking around the bases diameter (we considered the base size and imagined a cylinder going all the way up to the top of the model to block los). It was so hard to tell exactly how the cylinder would block los, we just determined no los. Also, when we used the ATST as terrain only, we still used the cylinder rule, and we said we could not shoot between the legs.
3. I listened to Crabbok's video on the upcoming rule changes, but I could not find the new rules for moving compulsory vehicles and the damage they take running into objects. Did I hear him incorrectly?
Thanks for any input.