Reboot of Clan war or L5R figures for the RPG?

By alephaleph, in Lore Discussion

After the card game and the role playing game of Legend of the five rings, is also planned a new version of Clan war, the fantasy Miniatures game based on the world of Rokugan ( like the Star Wars legion game)? Or maybe just figures, such as the Arkham investigators ones, for the rpg? Thanks.

a new diskwars set would be cool too.

15 minutes ago, Scrivener Spills said:

a new diskwars set would be cool too.

Diskwars was/is good fun (at least the warhammer version) but since there have been several versions of the game and they never seem to last long, I'd be hesitant to throw much at it.

Figures....not for the RPG, but L5R related, are coming - Privateer Press has and is releasing one-offs, like Hida Tonomatsu.

We've not seen any indication of a new Clan War game. FFG has only recently killed (well...not killed 'officially' but formally terminated Organised Play for the Runewars miniatures game , which a lot of people are assuming more or less means the same thing; it's still available to buy but they're not expecting any new content and assume it's going to slope off into oblivion sooner or later) a very similar game; so it'd be questionable if they wanted to invest in something similar.

I'd actually be interested in something of a hybrid of Runewars and Discwars; that is, there's no reason that you 'need' the models for a Runewars-esque game; a cardstock template with printed art works fine (see the 'wingman', 'senator's shuttle' and 'probe droid' tokens for X-wing), but manoeuvre templates are much less susceptible to those of us with ridiculous inept ham-fists not being able to 'flip' cleanly, and allow you to have formed 'blocks' with obvious 'fronts' and 'flanks' and differing abilities to march fast or wheel tightly like you expect in a proper mass battle system.

Better yet, this doesn't prevent you bringing out models later, but it drastically down-scales the cost of producing a starter set for FFG (since it's printed and punched cardstock you're talking the cost of a discwars starter set, not a Legion or Runewars starter set) allowing you to get interest at a lower cost. The eye-watering cost of the star wars armada starter set is arguably one reason it's been nowhere as successful as X-wing despite being the same license, and - let's be brutally honest here - much as we love it, Legend of the Five Rings will not ship that many units as a brand name.