Inspiration for Atarin?

By docForsaken, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

So I picked up the Villian's pack today and two of the figures seem like straight forward paint jobs. I'm at a loss for what Atarin should look like. Anyone have any inspiration or key art for this character. I'm trying to think if he's supposed to look like a Nazgul?

I haven't seen the figure yet, just blurred by him in news articles, but perhaps a mix between Easterling and whatever a Numenorean sorcerer from Arnor/Angmar would look.

19 minutes ago, Wandalf the Gizzard said:

I haven't seen the figure yet, just blurred by him in news articles, but perhaps a mix between Easterling and whatever a Numenorean sorcerer   from Arnor/Angmar would look.

Oh good thought... this may be a decent version?

I wasn't sure what to do with him either. Haven't seen him in our campaign yet so I'm not sure if there's ever a picture of him or not. Gulgotar was easy, I just used much of the same colors as I did the other Orcs. Coalfang was just a dark colored Warg. Hard to tell in this picture but I just used a medium gray for his skin and a darker gray for his fur. For Atarin I just went with a gold/silver armor look, red cloak and a little blue accent...


It was pointed out on BGG I believe that when you're selecting the difficulty on your campaigns in the app, the "normal" difficulty art looks very similar and could be interpreted as Gulgotar and the "hard" difficulty art could be Atarin. Maybe you could use those as inspiration? Granted Atarin looks like the LotR version of Darth Vader in that art with black armor and a red/flaming weapon. So not really original, but certainly villainous.

Edited by The Archangel
Further clarification

The mouth of Sauron type of character I supose...

he is a Human sorceror at all...

Edited by Hannibal_pjv

Actually the “Hard” mode banner depicts Durin’s Bane. Although that might not be a bad starting point for Atarin’s color scheme.

Ah, so it does. That's what happens when I don't have the app in front of me to double check.

I would agree it's not a bad idea for Atarin. I personally would want to find some way to make him unique though. Maybe a dark silverish armor, but black and crimson accents? Maybe even a dark red cape? Just spitballing a bit. I personally still need to get through painting all the other figures. I'll be anxious to see what others do though.

I think that I started trying to evoke Willow movie vibes but mine went in an odd direction.


This is my villain pack painted :). I took inspiration from GW miniatures from LotR miniature game.


and Atarin cape:


This is what i did for Atarin:

I followed an Easterling color scheme since it also matches the armor features. See here: