Republic at War
RaW is a turn-based strategy game for 6-12 players divided evenly into two teams, GAR and CIS. Each player takes the role of an admiral, building and commanding forces while conquering worlds. Victory is achieved when a team gains 10 victory points or when one team acknowledges the other’s supremacy.
Each player controls planets, ships, squadrons, and ground forces. These are as follows:
For the GAR:
Ship Name |
Cost |
Carrier Capacity |
Keyword |
Venator I-class Star Destroyer [Vc1] |
100 |
3 |
Warship |
Venator II-class Star Destroyer [Vc2] |
125 |
4 |
Warship |
Acclamator I-class Assault Ship [Ac1] |
70 |
4 |
Acclamator II-class Assault Ship [Ac2] |
85 |
5 |
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser [AqL] |
54 |
1 |
Arquitens-class Command Cruiser [AqC] |
59 |
2 |
Pelta-class Cargo Frigate [PelC] |
60 |
3 |
Pelta-class Medical Frigate [PelM] |
64 |
1 |
Repair |
Consular-class Scout Frigate [ConS] |
30 |
1 |
Consular-class Light Frigate [ConL] |
40 |
1 |
CR20 Landing Craft [CRL] |
20 |
2 |
Flotilla |
CR20 Escort Cruiser [CRE] |
26 |
2 |
Flotilla |
Squadron Name |
Cost |
Keyword |
Nu-class Attack Shuttle |
20 |
Squadron |
ARC-170 Squadron |
16 |
Squadron |
Y-wing Squadron |
14 |
Squadron |
Z-95 Headhunter Squadron |
11 |
Squadron |
V-19 Torrent Squadron |
10 |
Squadron |
V-wing Squadron |
7 |
Squadron |
GAR Ground Forces (GFs) are Clone Forces and cost 12 credits to construct. They attack with a +1 bonus, but lose in case of a tie, regardless of whether they are defending. They are limited to 10 a world.
For the CIS:
Ship Name |
Cost |
Carrier Capacity |
Keyword |
DH-Omni Support Vessel [DHO] |
70 |
5 |
Repair |
Lucrehulk-class Battleship [Luc] |
210 |
10 |
Warship |
Providence-class Destroyer [PrD] |
120 |
3 |
Warship |
Providence-class Carrier [PrC] |
115 |
5 |
Recusant-class Destroyer [RcD] |
90 |
4 |
Recusant-class Battlecruiser [RcB] |
110 |
2 |
Warship |
Munificent-class Escort Frigate [McE] |
75 |
3 |
Munificent-class Star Frigate [McS] |
80 |
4 |
C-9979 Supply Craft [C9S] |
46 |
3 |
C-9979 Landing Craft [C9L] |
50 |
3 |
Gozanti-class Cruisers [GZC] |
23 |
2 |
Flotilla |
Gozanti-class Assault Carriers [GZA] |
28 |
2 |
Flotilla |
Squadron Name |
Cost |
Keyword |
Sheathipede-class Shuttle |
18 |
Squadron |
HMP Gunship Squadron |
16 |
Squadron |
Droid Trifighter Squadron |
12 |
Squadron |
Nantex Starfighter Squadron |
11 |
Squadron |
Hyena Droid Bomber Squadron |
9 |
Squadron |
Vulture Droid Squadron |
6 |
Squadron |
CIS Ground Forces (GFs) are Droid Forces and cost 8 credits to construct. They are limited to 15 a world.
The map is map up of planets, systems, and hyperlanes. Ships in a system may travel to any planet in the same system or a planet in a linked system in one “jump” – the distance a Capital ship can travel in a week. Ships do not have to end their move at a planet but can instead specify to land in deep space in a listed System.
Planets produce a number of Credits (C) each turn. These Credits go into the controlling players credit pool, to be used as described below.
Republic Planets can hold up to 10 Ground Forces (GF). CIS Planets can hold up to 15.
Planets have various keywords that modify their basic stats. The list of planets is as follows:
Faction |
Name |
Credits |
Keyword |
Republic |
Alanteen VI |
30 |
Improved Shipyards |
Alderaan |
10 |
Republic |
Anaxes |
40 |
Fighter Plant |
Ando |
25 |
Bespin |
25 |
Republic |
Bothawui |
15 |
Spynet |
Republic |
Carida |
35 |
Cato Neimoidia |
30 |
Cartao |
35 |
Training Ground |
Christophsis |
30 |
Republic |
Coruscant |
30 |
Dathomir |
20 |
Hostile |
Republic |
Devaron |
10 |
Spynet |
Republic |
Eriadu |
25 |
Felucia |
15 |
Florrum |
10 |
Hostile |
Foerost |
30 |
Improved Shipyards |
Republic |
Geonosis |
35 |
Droid Factory |
Gwori |
35 |
Improved Shipyards |
Haruun Kal |
10 |
Republic |
Humbarine |
20 |
Jabiim |
35 |
Hostile |
Republic |
Kamino |
50 |
Training Ground |
Kashyyyk |
20 |
Khorm |
35 |
Republic |
Kuat |
50 |
Improved Shipyards |
Lola Sayu |
20 |
Malastare |
40 |
Mandalore |
15 |
Mimban |
25 |
Mon Cala |
30 |
Muunilist |
50 |
Droid Factory |
Mygeeto |
20 |
Republic |
Naboo |
25 |
Onderon |
25 |
Pammant |
50 |
Improved Shipyards |
Praesitlyn |
15 |
Raxus |
30 |
Ringo Vinda |
40 |
Improved Shipyards |
Republic |
Rodia |
10 |
Republic |
Rothana |
35 |
Improved Shipyards |
Ruusan |
5 |
Spynet |
Ryloth |
20 |
Saleucami |
20 |
Scipio |
80 |
Serenno |
25 |
Spynet |
Sullust |
20 |
Umbara |
35 |
Spynet |
Utapau |
15 |
Valahari |
40 |
Fighter Plant |
Certain neutral planets have their own forces. These forces will come into play upon a non-allied force entering the system. By default, they will have hold-fire orders, meaning they will let forces pass through their system unmolested. However, if fired upon they will return fire without suffering the die modifier penalty that players incur.
When the planets in question become aligned to a given side, any surviving forces also become allies of that side, but cannot leave their home system.
It is possible to ‘purchase’ the alliance of one of these planets by spending points equal to 30% of its Credit value, rounded up. A D6 will then be rolled, and on a 6 the planet will become aligned with the rolling player’s faction, and the be under the direct control of the rolling player. Only one player per team per turn can roll for a planet. If two players from opposing sides both roll for the same planet and receive a successful die roll, the results cancel each other out and the planet remains neutral.
There are five planets that fall under this category: Christophsis , Mandalore, Scipio, Ryloth, and Umbara. Their details are as follows:
Name |
Roll Cost |
Forces |
Christophsis |
9 |
1x Consular-class Scout Frigate [ConS], 1x V-wing Squadron |
Mandalore |
5 |
1x CR20 Escort Cruiser [CRE] |
Ryloth |
6 |
2x CR20 Landing Craft [CRL] |
Scipio |
24 |
1x Acclamator I-class Assault Ship [Ac1], 3x ARC-170 Squadron |
Umbara |
11 |
C-9979 Landing Craft [C9L], 1x Vulture Droid Squadron |
Each team will consist of an even number of players. These players are considered autonomous allies. They may discuss strategy together, but must do so in the game thread. It is permitted to lend credits between team players.
Each team must choose one member to be the Grand Admiral. The Grand Admiral may direct a teammate’s forces and spend or loan their credits if that teammate is unavailable, but should only do so in accordance with any strategy already agreed upon by the team.
Example: The Republic team consists of three members, Al, Bob, and Carl. Al is the Grand Admiral. On Turn 4 the three discuss their plans for the future turns’ campaigns. When Turn 5’s orders are due to be submitted, Carl is unavailable. As a result, Al fills out both his own and Carl’s orders and submits the combined orders to the GM.
If a Grand Admiral is unavailable, a teammate may assume the role for as long as needed.
There will be at least one turn per week, with hopes of two or three. Players are expected to reply to any message from the GM within 24 hours. Orders must be submitted by the appointed deadline, or no actions will be taken by that player’s forces. The turn has three phases:
1. Construct Units
2. Jump
3. Combat.
Each phase occurs simultaneously among players.
Credits are the currency of the game, representing resources for production, fuel for movement, and supplies for military forces.
A planet can produce up to its credit value of units each turn.
For Example: A planet with TEN credits can build UNITS up to 10 points in a turn (so 10 points towards a larger ship).
Units that cannot be fully produced in a turn will remain partially built (and non-operative) until a future turn.
Blockaded worlds produce credits but these can only be spent on production of Ground Forces at that world. Ships cannot be produced at blockaded worlds.
For example: Planet Redjik 30 credits. Up to 30 credits can be spent each turn at Redjik to produce units. The planet could construct 3 Ground Forces; or 2 squadrons of Y-Wings and 2/14 of another; or build 30/40 of a Consular-class Light Frigate.
Only one partially constructed unit may be left at each planet per turn. If another unit is begun before the partial is completed, the partial is considered destroyed and any resources invested are lost. For example, Redjik spends 30 credits in turn 1. The player builds 2 Z-95 Headhunters (11 each, 22 total) and 8/14 of a Y-Wing. In turn 2, the Player decides to spend 30 credits investing in 30/59 of an Arquitens-class Command Cruiser. The 8/14 of a Y-Wing is lost.
Newly constructed units may jump / move in the same turn as they are constructed.
Credits may be spent to increase a planet’s Credit production. For each 10 credits spent the credit production of the planet increases by 1 the following turn. If a planet has a starting production less than 10, it cannot be improved.
A planet may spend up to twice its production in one turn, provided it has not done so the previous turn, and only produces space forces the turn that it uses the additional production. The extra credits required to fund this extra production must be provided by planets belonging to the same player which are themselves not producing anything the turn these credits are provided.
Please note: Credits cannot be saved for future turns. If not used in a turn credits are lost.
The Jump to Lightspeed allows ships to travel between planets. Only ships may do this – squadrons and ground forces must be transported in ships. Ships may carry squadrons or ground forces up their carrier capacity. So, a Pelta-class Cargo Frigate can carry 1 squadron or 1 GF. A
Venator I-class Star Destroyer can carry up to 3, in any combination.
For our purposes, all ships have the same kind of jump capacity. A ship can jump to any planet in the same system OR any planet in an adjacent system. Ships can also jump to a non-planet place in a reachable system – this is known as deep space. When two fleets enter deep space, they are not considered to be sharing the same space, and thus cannot interact. The exception is if they specifically jump to the same coordinates, an action which must be specified by the player(s).
It costs 1 credit for each ship to Jump – this covers the cost of fuel. Ships with the Keyword FLOTILLA cost 2 credits to jump.
Once all ships have jumped, spaces that have units from two or more sides may have combat. All combat is auto-resolved by the GM.
For auto-resolve purposes, the GM will roll 2d6 and apply the following table:
1 or less: Attacker takes 0 casualties, defender takes 100%
2: Attacker takes 0 casualties, defender takes 75%
3: Attacker takes 10% casualties, defender takes 75%
4: Attacker takes 20% casualties, defender takes 50%
5: Attacker takes 20% casualties, defender takes 40%
6: Attacker takes 20% casualties, defender takes 30%
7: Both sides take 30% casualties
8: Attacker takes 30% casualties, defender takes 20%
9: Attacker takes 40% casualties, defender takes 20%
10: Attacker takes 50% casualties, defender takes 20%
11: Attacker takes 75% casualties, defender takes 10%
12: Attacker takes 75% casualties, defender takes 0%
13 or more: Attacker takes 100% casualties, defender takes 0%
There will also be an adjustment for force disparity. Where equal force sizes (in points value of ships and squadrons) meet, there is no adjustment. But for every 10% difference, the superior side gains a +1 or -1 in their favour. For Example: if an attacking force of 400 points encounters a defending force of 300 points, the attacker gains a -1 to the die roll (57% to 43%). If the defender has 600 points and the attacker has 100, the defender gains a +7 to the roll (85% to 15%).
The casualty percentage is based on the size of the smaller fleet. For example, a fleet of 100 defeats a fleet of 200 points. If each fleet takes 30% casualties, both sides will lose 30 points.
If a fleet with HOLD-FIRE orders is attacked by a fleet with FREE-FIRE orders, it will suffer a die roll modifier of +/- 1 in the attacker's favor.
Actual unit casualties will be randomly determined by the GM.
After a battle, the force with the lower points cost of ships and squadrons remaining must retreat. The combat is concluded, and the force MUST jump the next turn to another location. If it is unable to jump, it is considered destroyed. A retreating fleet may not take any GF off the planet it was defending before retreating. Only GF already loaded on the fleet may escape with the fleet.
Once any space combats are resolved, the winning player may decide to launch a ground assault. Ground combat is resolved using standard RISK rules - up to 3d6 rolled for the attacker, 2d6 for the defender. Highest pairs of each side are compared, higher roll destroys the other side.
Where the pairs are tied, the defender wins.
Ground combat ends once one side is eliminated.
If a fleet of one player is in orbit of a planet controlled by another player the planet is blockaded. Blockaded planets may only construct Ground Forces and do not contribute credits towards Jumping.
If a planet is blockaded it may be bombarded. A D6 will be rolled for the first 50 points of fleet above a planet, with an additional D6 being added for each additional 100 points of fleet. On a roll of 1 or 2, a GF is destroyed. On a 4, 5, or 6, the planet’s credit production is reduced by 1. On a role of 3 the bombardment fails to hit anything significant, and has no effect.
You cannot Bombard and Invade in the same turn.
Any ship that takes more than half its hull points in damage in battle is “scarred” and must be repaired before it can face battle at full strength. A scarred ship counts as half rounded down of its point for combat calculations. To repair a ship it must be in orbit of a planet, or share a space with a vessel with the REPAIR keyword. The cost to repair is equal to one quarter of the cost of the ship, rounded up. A ship cannot be repaired by a planet and by a ship with the REPAIR keyword at the same time.
For example, if a CR90B is “scarred” it would cost 10 credits to repair. If the planet it is located at has less than 10 credits in production, it may take multiple turns to repair. If the planet is part-way through production of another unit the ship may not be repaired until the production is completed OR the production is lost.
When a ship is scarred it will be marked as such in your roster.
The total number of ships belonging to one faction may not exceed 400 points in any one location - planet, deep space. The total number of squadrons belonging to one faction may not exceed 400 points in any one location - planet, deep space. The total number of points belonging to any one faction in any one location may not exceed 500.
A player should set some general orders for all or some fleets to attack or not attack certain players forces if encountered. A player with a no-shoot order that is attacked will suffer a modifier of 1 to their disadvantage in space combat. These general orders should be repeated in each set of orders to remind the GM of those that are appropriate.
It is permissible for fleets of allied players to be in the same space at the same time, without either having to retreat, so long as the fleet point cap in the space is not exceeded. Allied fleets in the same space will be treated as one fleet for the purposes of resolving battles. In the event that more than two fleets engage in combat with each other in a single space the battle is resolved by pairing the two largest fleets, resolving the battle, and then pairing the next two largest fleets, and so on. The damage incurred is cumulative and is taken into account when determining battle order.
The following is a list of the Keywords used in the game, alongside their explanations:
Keyword |
Affect |
Hostile |
On a roll of 1-2, an occupying droid force is removed from this world. On a roll of 1, an occupying clone force is removed from this world. |
Fighter Plant |
Squadrons produced on this world have their cost reduced to 70 percent, rounded up to the nearest point. |
Droid Factory |
Droid forces produced on this world have their cost reduced to 50 percent, rounded up to the nearest point. |
Training Ground |
Clone Forces produced on this world have their cost reduced to 50 percent, rounded up to the nearest point. |
Improved Shipyards |
Ships produced on this world have their cost reduced to 80 percent, rounded up to the nearest point. |
Spynet |
1 scan of any world is permitted each turn, informing the scanning team of the alignment, credit production, production queue, fleet size and garrison size of the scanned world. |
Repair |
During the build phase, you may perform a repair action on a scarred non-Repair ship at the same location, spending up to 15 credits for each vessel with Repair present. |
Warship |
During the combat phase, you recieve a favorable +1 or -1 bonus for each ship present with Warship. |
Flotilla |
Fuel costs for this vessel are doubled. |
Squadron |
This vessel may not execute hyperjumps, but may be carried aboard friendly vessels, consuming a carrier capacity of 1. |
Flagship |
When in battle, this ship has the ability to select a specific enemy vessel which will be the first to receive damage. The selections options are: A) the most valuable ship, B) the least valuable ship, C) the most valuable scarred ship, D) the least valuable scarred ship, E) squadrons. |
A team is determined to have won if it reaches 10 victory points
or when its opposing team acknowledges its supremacy
. Victory points are obtained through the completion of Objectives.
Objectives are missions which players can undertake, upon completion of which the player's team gains the associated number of victory points. The list of objectives is as follows:
- Supremacy: If a team controls 36 planets, excluding its starting positions, it receives 10 victory points.
- Welcome to the Family: If a team controls all five of the planets Mandalore, Christophsis, Ryloth, Umbara, and Scipio for 2 consecutive turns, that team gains 2 victory points.
- Better Luck Next Time: If a team completely defeats the naval forces of an opposing team member, that team gains 4 victory points.
- Seat of Power: [Faction-specific] if the CIS team captures Coruscant, it gains 1 victory point.
- Seat of Power: [Faction-specific] if the Republic team captures Raxus, it gains one victory points. (This planet was chosen as a mirror for Coruscant, as the most significant of the named CIS planets.)
- Industrialist: If a team controls all the shipyards (there are 7, fairly spread out) for 3 consecutive turns, that team gains 3 victory points.
Matters not covered by these rules will be decided by the GM typically by shouting and then rolling some dice.
Edited by GhostofNobodyInParticular