Hi all,
I have been thinking about this one a lot. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda could be quite a nice setting to play in. There are many different species. There are many, many places to visit (as in the Three Galaxies...). Options to go for both grounded adventures and space, as they did in the tv show. There are even a few distinct eras to choose from.
High Guarding it out pre Fall, for example, gallivanting around the galaxy settong wrongs right. Or an EotE-like game set during the Long Night with all manner of scavenge missions, bounty hunting and what not. Maybe even games set during the New Commonwealth era, rebuilding, recruiting old and new worlds while Starship Andromeda itself does the same on the other side of the Three Galaxies. I do have my doubts about the limited scope of the final season though. In my opinion it closed off the series with such a limited scope. And a lot left open as well, of course, like ablank canvas post-final season.
Thoughts, ideas? For example, how to incorporate the Force Lance ruleswise? (Handgun, baton, quarterstaff, and autonomous anti-artillery interception cannon all in one?) Ditch Astronavigation, and introduce Slipstreaming (Will) as a new skill?
Advice not to do any work? 😉