PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: IC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Mireska looked up in surprise at the unknown Jedi.

"Hello there!" she said with a smile. "Thank you for the offer, but Vokara Che would have my head if I couldn't manage this with what I've already got. I'm Healer Knight Mireska Tanohdi, by the way. Did you come down with Ker'see on Bad Kitty , then?"

The "Who are you?" was not spoken, but definitely implied by her body language and the questioning tone at the end.

Edited by Bellona

After a minor headrush from the injection, Camouflage's head clears and he feels refreshed. Amazing things those stims.

Seeing that the general is now engaged, Camouflage pulls Jorin aside. "There were too many droids here for it to be criminals. It had to have been Seppies, so stay on your toes. The walker will have to stay in the courtyard, since we can't very well bring it with us. My suggestion is that we take my squad and the rest of the drop team into the monastery itself, leaving the others out here to secure the area. That'll leave them with one and a half platoons, so if they leave the two squads to support the walker, the platoon can sweep the outlying buildings, just in case. The Acclamator is still in-atmosphere, so we've got support from there, but we don't know about any other enemy presence in the area. We didn't see any, but if they've got reinforcements secreted away somewhere... We need to be able to respond rapidly, hence keeping the rest of the company on standby. I don't trust this one bit."

Ker'see and The Duchess look over the scene but knowing that Mireska will handle the wounds moves over to the entrance to the building, drawing her bow. She looks out for any enemies readying themselves for a counter attack.

11 hours ago, Bellona said:

Mireska looked up in surprise at the unknown Jedi.

"Hello there!" she said with a smile. "Thank you for the offer, but Vokara Che would have my head if I couldn't manage this with what I've already got. I'm Healer Knight Mireska Tanohdi, by the way. Did you come down with Ker'see on Bad Kitty , then?"

The "Who are you?" was not spoken, but definitely implied by her body language and the questioning tone at the end.

Chee'Okee returned her lightsaber to her belt and then put her hands behind her back. She replied in her slightly-annoying voice, "I am Jedi Master Chee'Okee. The Council has asked me to redirect and assist your efforts here, but I admit I am at a bit at a loss as to why. Everyone seems to have things well in hand already. Perhaps I have studied a particular area of expertise that will come in handy? I do spend a lot of my time in the Jedi Archives now that my padawans have been knighted."

"Well, that depends. Do you have any expertise in finding and wrangling kidnapped huttlets?" Mireska asked as she closed up her physician's kit.

What is Chee'Okee's species? I'm drawing a total blank here, but I need to know for practical purposes. Well, time to embarrass myself ...

"Also, your pardon, Master Chee'Okee, but I am unfamiliar with your species. Since you are to be included in our mission here and therefore could require medical treatment, I must ask you to identify your species so that I can refresh my memory in case of need," she added politely, feeling like a complete idiot.

Jorin nodded as Camouflage spoke,absorbing as much wisdom and strategic thinking he could from the clone. Good thinking.. Jorin looked around at the remains of the droids, Camouflages assessment became more apparent; the whole structure and placement was very organized and purposeful.. Delaying tactic... Leuitenant, move Varactyl to the entrance and let's-- Jorin cringed at the sound of the newly arrived Master Chee'Okee.

"Right away, commander." Camouflage signals to his men and they walk to the large door to the monastery, briefly conferring with the squad of clones charged with securing it.

Moving to the door Ker'see joins the clones and readies her bow.

"Do we have an intel on the size of this place?" she asks.

3 hours ago, Bellona said:

"Well, that depends. Do you have any expertise in finding and wrangling kidnapped huttlets?" Mireska asked as she closed up her physician's kit.

What is Chee'Okee's species? I'm drawing a total blank here, but I need to know for practical purposes. Well, time to embarrass myself ...

"Also, your pardon, Master Chee'Okee, but I am unfamiliar with your species. Since you are to be included in our mission here and therefore could require medical treatment, I must ask you to identify your species so that I can refresh my memory in case of need," she added politely, feeling like a complete idiot.

Chee'Okee chortles with a bird-like chirp. Mireska could not be certain if the Jedi was laughing at Hutt wrangling or being asked her species. Thankfully, the Jedi Master would answer her questions.

"I am Ayrou. A-Y-R-O-U. Avian Class-C humanoid. Oxygenated blood." She smiled and waited for Mireska to make the note in her personal datapad if she wished, before continuing. "I have raised several padawans, so I should think I would be capable of handling a young Hutt. Now I understand what the Council meant by a gentle hand."

"Not past what we can see from the air, general. We don't know how far down into the mesa the monastery goes, or how connected it is to the outer buildings." the ARC trooper responds.

The sniper focuses carefully and looks through the force into the monastery peeling back layers and seeing what like withing.

"Okay inside is..."

"...Immediately behind the door are two droidekas and 18 b1s in groups of 6. After that the monastery goes down quite a bit."

Ker'see drops her force connection and turns to the others.

"I recommend we get our biggest guns ready and blow the door inwards and send in a hail of fire."

Shab I'm glad for this noise-filtering. Camo thinks to himself as he hears the new Jedi's voice again, noting Jorin's reaction and seeing his HUD warning him of the potentially harmful sound. Turning back to Ker'see, he nods, "Of course, general. Squads one and two each have a doorbuster charge. If you'll allow me... There were too many droids here for criminals. It had to be Separatists. I'm concerned this may be a trap and they have forces concealed nearby or preparing to land. If they are, we may want this door intact. I suggest we bring up the walker and open the door conventionally. The light cannons on the AT-TE ought to be able to cover us while minimizing collateral damage."

Hearing the conditions of what was waiting for them in the hallway ahead, Chee'Okee looked around and what resources were available to them.

"Perhaps..." she squawked. Looking at the LAATs, and back to the clones. "Lieutenant ARC-65, can you position one of the LAATs with the largest payload down the hallway? We can slice the door open and then unload inside."

From her research, the droids are very adaptable to tactics. They would be diligently following their orders or programming and simply be waiting for the doors to open and then fire. If the Republic wanted a clean entry solution, the best choice in her mind was to use overwhelming force while minimizing casualties.

She thought to modify the question, "The LAAT should descend into position after the droids advance down the hallway some."

If the clones were capable of pulling off the move, she wanted them to give it a try. A LAAT could take small arms fire a lot better than the clones and Jedi could.

Edited by SuperWookie

Camouflage turns to face the approaching Jedi, "General, the AT-TE is already in position and should be equally effective. We'd have to reposition the walker in order to get the larty up here, and we'd lose precious time. The men are in position, generals, commander. If you give the word, I'll slice the controls and we'll breach and clear."

Taking her correction in stride, Chee'Okee lets the clone lieutenant continue with his plans.

"I will accompany you to the door and cover you, Lieutenant."

"Right away, ma'am." Camouflage turns and walks to the door. He examines the lock and pulls a selection of small tools from his belt, starting to slice the lock.

Mireska had taken out the datapad in her physician's kit and carefully scanned the Ayrou entry.

Fascinating. And that explains the rather penetrating quality of her voice.

She looked up when she heard/felt the thumping steps of the AT-TE moving closer.

Oops, xenology deep-dive later, warfar tactics now!

Mireska quickly replaced her datapad and made sure that her gear, including her backpack from the LAAT/i, was in its proper place again. She then approached Jorin and the others, who were dividing their attention between the AT-TE moving into position before the monastery's blast doors and the odd couple consisting of Lieutenant Camouflage and Master Chee'Okee bent with their heads together over the door controls.

"Getting ready to open the doors, I see," Mireska commented. "Let me know if I can be of any help, please."

Ker'see silently moves away from the door and positions herself away, The Duchess by her side. She readies her bow and aims at the doors.

"By you command, commander," she agrees.

Chee'Okee stood by Lieutenant ARC-65 as he sliced the doors open. She looked to the clones and Jedi as they formed up to prepare another assault, and at the AT-TE lined up to fire off an initial barrage against the droids inside waiting for them.

The doors hissed, quickly open and Chee'Okee reacted by leaning back against the wall and staying near ARC-65, as the trooper was rapidly swapping his slicing gear to ready his weapons again. The Jedi looked back to her allies that were already springing into action. The AT-TE was crouching and looked to be about to fire, but Jedi instincts proved to be faster still and Chee'Okee could see that Ker'See was already about to use her unique bow weapon to strike at the droids.

Chee'Okee watched them carefully, to try and time her engagement correctly. She would serve best in melee, but didn't want to become a splatter on the floor by the AT-TE as she was running into the fray. Even with the Force as her ally, making it to the droids in the back of the hallway would prove to be a tricky tactic.

As the doors slide open the Sniper Jedi readies her bow overlaying the image of the sight beyond the door from her force enhanced vision onto her current sight. Seeing a squad of B1s Ker'see carefully aims at the group, the force with her, guiding her and releases her fingers. The bow releases a bolt and almost immediately the Devaronian pulls back on the energy string releasing a torrent of bolts screaming at the hapless B1s. She moves about on her point to get better angles, kicking up dust and obscuring herself from the view of the droids.

6 bolts fired but not enough as one droid still stands, albeit a little wobbly...

Mireska moved forward and tried to bring the Force to bear on the nearest droideka, but the bright threads eluded her grasp within the Force.

Disappointed and frustrated with herself, she moved back to re-join the others. Her PPS and lightsabre were already activated, so all she had to do was to focus on her own position in the Force so that her awareness would allow her to twist out of the way of incoming blasterfire.

At least she now had a better idea of the placement of the various droids, and could pass on that piece of knowledge to the others - which she did with a loud and clear voice.

Sergeant Poe ducks out from behind the wall and fires at Ker'see's target, but checks his fire as Mireska charges forwards, having lost his clear shot. Camo charges behind him, drawing his deece and sending several bolts downrange at another cluster of droids, all while calling out orders to the other clones and relaying positions. He directs the AT-TE to fire at one of the droidekas and orders Varactyl Squad to track with his fire. His barrage takes down two of the droids, leaving another sparking and barely standing. The droid Ker'see and Poe left alive fires at Mireska, but misses. The sudden burst of fire throws her off-balance, though, and it takes her a moment to recover.

Quickly feeling outclassed in her first battle, Chee'Okee gives into the Dark Side of the Force. The temptation was quick, and afterwards she realizes what she has done, but the moment passed too quickly.

A large chunk of debris, maybe from a droid or a ship, hurls across the field of battle toward one of the droideka. The debris impacts soundly and appears to have caused significant damage to the droid, even with it having shields up. Sparks are flying from it and pieces of metal plating fall to the ground. Another sound attack should finish it off at least. Anyone observing the doorway would be able to tell it was Master Chee'Okee that caused the debris to move in such a way. Her outstretched hand and panicked face belied her actions.

Recoiling her hand after the attack, Chee'Okee grimaces and closes her eyes briefly to try and center herself again. She opens her eyes and readies herself against any attacks that may be forthcoming.

Varactyl Squad follows Camouflage and fires where directed, quickly eliminating the remaining droids in that squad and moving onto the next, dropping another droid. The AT-TE gunners fire at the droideka, but miss, struggling to target the comparatively small unit.