Steward's Fear Advice Needed

By Tom1132, in Strategy and deck-building

Hi guys.

We've been trying to do this quest with two players the last while and having trouble with it (even on Easy). The part giving us the most trouble is the traitor who deals 2 damage to all allies when he engages (or 1 if you can optionally engage). Are our deck archetypes off? Or is it a matter of persistence?

Our card pool includes;
- 2x Core Set
- Shadows of Mirkwood (complete cycle)

- Khazad-dum
- Dwarrowdelf (complete cycle)

- Heirs of Numenor
- Steward's Fear
- Druadan Forest
- The Blood of Gondor
- The Morgul Vale

-Against the Shadow (Complete cycle except Encounter at Amon Din and Assault on Osgiliath)

- The Voice of Isengard
- Ring-Maker (complete cycle except Celebrimbor's Secret)

- The Grey Havens

-Over Hill and Under Hill
- On the Doorstep

- The Black Riders
- The Road Darkens
- The Treason of Sauruman

The decks we're using;

Gondor June 2019

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Beregond (Heirs of Númenor)
Bifur (Khazad-dûm)
Boromir (Heirs of Númenor)

Ally (22)
3x Citadel Custodian (Heirs of Númenor)
3x Envoy of Pelargir (Heirs of Númenor)
1x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Gondorian Spearman (Core Set)
3x Guard of the Citadel (Core Set)
3x Hunter of Lamedon (Heirs of Númenor)
3x Ithilien Tracker (Heirs of Númenor)
3x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)

Attachment (12)
2x Citadel Plate (Core Set)
2x Elf-stone (The Black Riders)
2x Gondorian Shield (The Steward's Fear)
1x Horn of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Self Preservation (Core Set)
2x Spear of the Citadel (Heirs of Númenor)
1x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
1x Visionary Leadership (The Morgul Vale)

Event (18)
2x Anchor Watch (The Grey Havens)
2x Behind Strong Walls (Heirs of Númenor)
2x Feint (Core Set)
2x For Gondor! (Core Set)
2x Gaining Strength (The Steward's Fear)
2x Radagast's Cunning (Core Set)
2x Secret Paths (Core Set)
2x Valiant Sacrifice (Core Set)
2x Wealth of Gondor (Heirs of Númenor)

3 Heroes, 52 Cards
Cards up to The Grey Havens


Event (2)
2x Mutual Accord (Heirs of Númenor)

Deck built on RingsDB .


2019 Rohan Deck

Main Deck

Hero (3)
Éomer (The Voice of Isengard)
Éowyn (Core Set)
Théoden (The Treason of Saruman)

Ally (14)
1x Elfhelm (The Dead Marshes)
1x Éomund (Conflict at the Carrock)
3x Escort from Edoras (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
1x Gondorian Spearman (Core Set)
1x Guthlaf (The Blood of Gondor)
1x Háma (The Treason of Saruman)
2x Horseback Archer (Core Set)
2x Westfold Horse-breeder (The Voice of Isengard)
2x Westfold Outrider (The Voice of Isengard)

Attachment (15)
2x Ancient Mathom (A Journey to Rhosgobel)
2x Firefoot (The Dunland Trap)
1x Herugrim (The Treason of Saruman)
2x Rohan Warhorse (The Voice of Isengard)
2x Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale)
2x Steed of the Mark (The Morgul Vale)
2x The Favor of the Lady (Core Set)
2x Unexpected Courage (Core Set)

Event (21)
3x A Test of Will (Core Set)
2x Astonishing Speed (Return to Mirkwood)
2x Feint (Core Set)
2x Forth Eorlingas! (The Morgul Vale)
3x Hasty Stroke (Core Set)
2x Helm! Helm! (The Treason of Saruman)
2x Mustering the Rohirrim (The Hunt for Gollum)
2x Ride Them Down (The Antlered Crown)
3x The Galadhrim's Greeting (Core Set)

3 Heroes, 50 Cards
Cards up to The Treason of Saruman

Deck built on RingsDB .

Any insight appreciated, we're still fairly new to the game despite what our card pool suggests (picked it up in bulk through sales etc); we've completed everything up to this quest deluxe-wise (except HoN, it was suggested to do it after the cycle for difficulty reasons) and the three LotR Saga Expansions listed. But something about this quest (or our decks) is throwing us for a loop.

Edited by Tom1132

For Zealous Traitor specifically, I think your best bet is Hail of Stones (Road to Rivendell), kill them before they engage.

Steward's Fear can be difficult if you reveal either too many locations, or too many enemies during the same turn. I have written a strategy article on the quest that you can perhaps get some tips from here:
If you have any additions, feel free to let me know, and I'll see if I can include them