[PODCAST]: The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast - Episode List

By GM Hooly, in Genesys

EPISODE 10 - De-mystifying the Mystical 2: Electric Boogaloo

This week on The Forge we continue our in-depth look at Magic in the Genesys Role Playing Game as we examine the many things not discussed in Episode 8 including Careers, Strain costs, and the use of Advantages, Triumphs, Threats and Despairs. We even add three more Magic Rules of Thumb to our existing list from Episode 8.

We also explore the use of the Negotiation skill in Die Casting, chat with David Morris, creator of Monstrous Encyclopedia in Breaking the Mould, and answer several games and rules questions from our Patreons and listeners on Under the Hammer. So ready those wands. And grab your spell components as GM Hooly and GM Chris open their big book of spells on The Forge!

EPISODE 11 - The Fast and the Pharmaceutical

Fast and ever-in-motion, high-Agility species represent some common and classic archetype concepts. In our final show of the year we take a long look at how to create Agility based archetypes and create two unique archetypes/species for your game.

We also chat with Brett Bowen of Studio 404 Games about their Setting Notebook available right now on the Genesys Foundry. We perform some exploratory surgery on the Medicine skill along with answering your games and rules question. So grab your medicine bag and slip on your running shoes as GM Hooly and GM Chris explore everything Genesys on The Forge!

EPISODE 12 - De-mystifying the Mystical 3: Beyond Thunderdome

In the first show for 2020, GMs Chris and Hooly take a long look at magic in their continuing series on Magic in Genesys. This episode they explore the first part of a discussion on re-skinning magic for a unique setting.

They also explore the use of the Signature Spell talents along with its improved version, even going so far as to explore2 new talents that supplement Signature Spell. They also interview Joshua Taylor about his Critical Elements supplement, available right now on the Genesys Foundry, as well as answering your games and rules questions.

Can you survive this episode as the GMs take you beyond barter town? Two men enter, one system leaves, this week on The Forge.

EPISODE 13 - Expanded Players Guide Review and Q&A

The latest book in the Genesys RPG line from Fantasy Flight Games has arrived - THE EXPANDED PLAYERS GUIDE. And who better to bring onto the show to talk about the book than none other than Sam Gregor-Stewart, lead developer on the project, and freelancer Keith Kappel who also worked on key segments of the book.

In this massive 3 hour episode, we break down the book with the guys offering their take on the book along with answering many, many questions about its contents. So if you were on the fence about this great product, listen in and get the low down on this glorious tome.

So listeners, grab your speedos, towel, and snorkel and get ready for a big splash as GMs Chris and Hooly take you on a deep dive into the Genesys Expanded Players Guide.

Edited by GM Hooly

Is there going to be an episode 14?

EPISODE 14 - De-mystifying the Mystical 4: So Long and Thanks for All the Mutations

After a short hiatus we're back with a brand-new episode. This week we delve deeper into re-skinning the Genesys Magic rules using our Post-Apocalyptic Setting. We dissect, explain, and explore each of the six brand new Mutation Powers, and so much more.

We also look at the plethora of releases from the Genesys Foundry, break into the Skulduggery skill, and speak with the author of Terrinoth Taverns, Chris Markham, about his amazing product.

So, listeners, grab your magic staff and your lockpick set, and join GM Chris and GM Hooly as they venture into the thermonuclear wastelands of the Genesys Role Playing Game on The Forge Podcast.

+ E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
+ Website: www.forgegenesys.com

+ @forgegenesys

Episode 15, please!


EPISODE 1`5 - Starting Your Engines (Part 1)

This week we ask you to slap on your L-Plates and allow us to take you on a driving lesson as we explore the Genesys Vehicle Rules with you on the show. We start with a look at the control skills for vehicle use in Die Casting, before hitting the highway with an indepth look at the vehicle rules in The Furnace.

We also speak with Beth Foote and Phil Maiewski of 404 Games to talk about Starcana: The Silver Files, the latest release from their studio, give you a run-down on the latest from the Foundry, and answer your games and rules questions.

So, release the handbrake, rev that engine, and put your pedal to the metal, as GM Chris and GM Hooly activate the 'nos' as they burn rubber on the racetrack on The Forge Podcast.

+ E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
+ Website: www.forgegenesys.com

+ @forgegenesys

Edited by GM Hooly

EPISODE 16 - De-mystifying the Mystical 5: A Good Day to Magic Hard

This week we continue our journey through the Genesys Role Playing Game's Magic system. We'll look at Step 5 of our re-skinning process where we detail a multitude or Talents f or our post-Apocalyptic setting. Plus, we explore Step 6 where we'll define the penalties for using mutagenic powers and determine how to spend Threat and Despair results.

We also tackle a listener question as we take a deep dive into the Shapeshifter duo of talents in Die Casting, talk to Seth Rattan about his exciting product, the Gamemaster’s Eclectic Toolkit in Breaking the Mould, and answer your games and rules questions in Under the Hammer.

So, join us as we take a transformative look at the Genesys Role Playing Game with GM Chris and GM Hooly on The Forge!

+ E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com
+ Website: www.forgegenesys.com

+ @forgegenesys

Edited by GM Hooly

Howdy, @GM Hooly !

Is there another Episode in the wings?

P.S.: Can you ask GM Chris if the Order 66 Podcast is ever coming back?


We record this weekend.

I’ll mention it, but that’s a matter you should send him an email about.

1 hour ago, GM Hooly said:

We record this weekend.

I’ll mention it, but that’s a matter you should send him an email about.

I have, to both GM Chris and GM Phil. Neither have responded.

10 hours ago, salamar_dree said:

I have, to both GM Chris and GM Phil. Neither have responded.

I’ve passed on your message.

EPISODE 17 - Starting Your Engines 2: Cruise Control

This episode we continue our in-depth look under the hood as we examine more of the vehicle rules in the Genesys Role Playing Game. We explore the basics of vehicle combat including a discussion on the Zone Rules from the team who brought you The Dice Pool Podcast plus we add to our Post-Apocalyptic setting with an example of vehicle combat.

In Die Casting we prepare our orders as we explore the Leadership skill, while in Breaking the Mould, we interview Chris Witt of Silhouette Studios with a special guest host to discuss The Familiar setting. We even make some time to answer your games and rules questions in Under the Hammer.

So, join us as we strap our goggles on and look through the haze of rules as we explore the Genesys Role Playing Game with GM Chris and GM Hooly on The Forge!



  • @forgegenesys
Edited by GM Hooly

EPISODE 18 - Talents Also Grow on Trees

This episode we welcome back special guest, lead developer on the Genesys Expanded Players Guide, Sam Gregor-Stewart, as we ready the potting mix to help nurture and grow a discussion on the creation of Specialization Trees including how you can introduce them into your Genesys games.

In Die Casting we make good on a listener request to explore Heroic Abilities from Realms of Terrinoth, while in Breaking the Mould we speak with Caleb Smith about his offering on the Foundry, The Survivalist's Guide to Survival. Plus, we answer your games and rules questions in Under the Hammer.

So, don your garden clothes, grab your shovel, and get the wheelbarrow from the shed, as GM Chris and GM Hooly show you how to tend to your garden of Specialization Trees on The Forge Podcast!



  • @forgegenesys

EPISODE 19 - Demystifying the Mystical 6: Genesys and the Goblet of Triumph

This much anticipated, record breaking, and epically long episode of The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast, we dust off some old boxes in the attic with our final look at MAGIC, as we explore the rules behind Magical Implements in the Genesys RPG and how to create them. We even build several implements LIVE on the show to show how easy it is, using our Post-Apocalyptic setting and its Mutations rules.

After we take a detour as we examine wands in GM Chris' Harry Potter setting, we speak with Jerrad Matthew, creator of the hottest title on the Genesys Foundry right now, with an in-depth discussion about SALVAGE: A Genesys Sci-Fi Junkpunk Setting in Breaking the Mould.

Lastly, we grab our cloak and dagger, and stick to the shadows, in Die Casting as we explore the Stealth skill, along with answering your games and rules questions. So, lock your doors, and get comfortable with GM Chris and GM Hooly, as they take you on a journey to The Forge.



  • @forgegenesys
Edited by GM Hooly

EPISODE 20 - Starting Your Engines 3: Ramming Speed!

In this the 20th episode of The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast, in "The Furnace" we pop the hood as we once again discuss critical elements of Vehicle Combat with a look at Collisions and Critical Hits. The GMs discussion how to best use these optional rules in your game, offering advice and ideas on best practice, new talents, and a whole lot more.

The boys then speak to the man himself, GM Eric Strimple, host and GM of the Eberron: Renewed podcast with a brand-new segment taking a look at the conversion of the Eberron Setting into the Genesys Role Playing Game in "Eberron: Reforged". And lastly, as always, we answer your games and rules questions in "Under the Hammer".

So grab your safety gear Gamer Nation, your flame-retardent suit, and buckle up, as GM Chris and GM Hooly take you on a wild ride to the edge of oblivion - or at least the local Walmart carpark - as they take you for a ride on The Forge.



  • @forgegenesys

EPISODE 21 - Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble!

Double, double, toil, and trouble! The fire burns and The Furnace bubbles as the hosts don their witch’s capes and look at the Alchemy skill! Due to popular demand, GM Eric, the good witch of the south, pops in to talk about careers in the Eberron underworld using the Genesys RPG in Eberron: Reforged. And not to be outwitted, the boys grab some Eye of Newt and mix it with a Unicorn's Tear as they answer some curly listener questions in Under the Hammer.

So, Gamer Nation, make sure your alchemist's kit is fully stocked with your supply of potions bottles at the ready, as GM Chris and GM Hooly offer you some Audio Tonic Fun on The Forge.



  • @forgegenesys

EPISODE 22 - Starting Your Engines #4: The Chase is On!

When it comes to action in the Genesys RPG, nothing beats the exhilaration of a chase through city streets, dungeons, or a rocky canyon at breakneck speeds. In this episode the hosts tackle everything there is to know about how to run a chase, how to use them in your game, and how to present them in your next product.

We also catch up with the RPG Narco himself, Roy Altman, to discuss the Genesys Expanded Critical Tables in a return to Breaking the Mould. We also answer some games and rules questions in Under the Hammer and give you a rundown on the latest releases from The Genesys Foundry in Stoking the Fire.

So, buckle up dear listeners and grab your Ray Ban Sunglasses as GM Chris and GM Hooly ride the slipstreams and into the "Danger Zone" as they shoot off at Mach speed towards another exciting episode of The Forge!



  • @forgegenesys
Edited by GM Hooly

EPISODE 23 - Adversarial Advice

When the chips are down and your party is in the thick of it, foes abound in your games. Whether your party is facing off against enemies, villains, thugs, ne'er-do-wells, hardened criminal, misfits, or pariahs - the nature of Adversaries in the Genesys RPG is a universal contstant that gamemasters must manage and player characters must tackle. But how do you ensure the adversaries in your enounters balance to that of your party? How do you craft adversaries using all the best tenets of the Genesys System and good game design?

To tackle this adversarial question, we welcome back a legend to the show: the amazing Keith Kappel. With Keith's help, we plow headlong into the process of NPC and Adversary creation in Genesys - with a special focus on the Power Levels introduced in the Expanded Players Guide. From start-to-finish, this in-depth discussion lays out the best ways to not only create easy and balanced NPCs - but using Power Levels to ensure your NPCs are balanced to the encounter and the party they are up against!

So prepare to twirl your moustaches, Gamer Nation, make your villanous speeches, and reveal all of your secret plans to the heroes nearing certain death trapped in your machine of doom - as GM Chris, GM Hooly, and Keith Kappel offer you some Adversarial Advice on The Forge.



  • @forgegenesys

EPISODE 24 - The Forge Awards 2020

We're back and with a brand new episode! Tonight, on The Forge: A Genesys RPG Podcast, we celebrate everything about the Genesys Role Playing Game and the Genesys Foundry especially the products and their authors as we present the first ever Forge Awards! Listen in as we present the awards for Best Adventure, Best Setting, Best General Supplement, Best Layout & Design, and the big one, Product of the Year 2020.

We continue the celebration as we talk to the winners about their aspirations, motivations, and what is next for them on The Foundry.

Due to our lengthy delay, we also take a trip back into The Furnace as we examine Intellect based archetypes. We even take to the time to answer some games and rules questions.

So, break out the champagne, dear listeners, roll out the red carpet, and suit up in those tuxedos and fabulous dresses as we celebrate tonight with GM Hooly and GM Chris on The Forge.


+E-Mail: forgegenesys@d20radio.com

+Website: www.forgegenesys.com




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Edited by GM Hooly