Resources for building smaller games?

By BigBadAndy, in Battle Reports

Hi All,

I’m not really sure the best place to post this so I figured I would try here. The short version is I’m collecting and painting Rebel and Imperial factions for Legion but I’m not really a competetive player. I’d just like to get some games in once in a while. My brother doesn’t own an Legion stuff but he’s happy to play with me. But since he’s unfamiliar with the rules a full 800 point game takes us about 6 hours and then causes burnout.

What I’m looking for are recommendations about smaller scale (300-500 pt?) Legion setups that are good for getting some turn and game practice that still let you enjoy the game. I find the practice scenario with the core set to be pretty dull, so I thought I’d see what people suggest here. Advice on building playable and fun smaller scale force combinations and on what objectives/scenarios to build are appreciated. I have at least one of everything except the Imperial tank at this point so I should have decent ability to put together interesting armies on this scale.

I’d love to hear about any outside resources I might reference as well.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Check out the Operations list on FFG's Legion landing page. It contains exactly what you're looking for, and in some cases, has a nifty little narrative campaign style of play.

Take the Hill is for 500 points.

Deep Jungle begins at 300 points, and expands from there.

I routinely play these at home for fun, just solitaire, and making up little narratives as I go along.

I'm in a similar situation. I just play against my little brother (though he is keen to paint and make terrain). We use a 3x3 board.

In general 500 points worked well for us. We had one core set. R: Jyn, han, chewie, fleet and pathfinders. I: veers, krennic, boba, deathtroopers and scout troopers. And priority supplies.

For the objectives, layout and conditions we just used the ones found in the main box. Some games get a tad crowded and for deployment zones we scale range 3 down to range 2. We left out rapid reinforcements though as we usually only have 5 activations.

Lately we got a second core set and are working up to 800 once we can make a larger play area. We started using the take the hill scenarios (linked above) at 600 points and it works really well. Theres generally onlynone objective as opposed to 5 so the game gets very focussed.

Like you games took us hours to play initially but we get one in about every 3 weeks now and are comfortable with most rules so its sped up. House rules are that we alternate rebel and imperial with each game, as well as who sets up the entire board. So everyone gets to use everything.

I still play 500 point games with my wife at times when not wanting to play the longer 800 point games. I have found the above listed references very helpful for that point level

Just play 3 turns