Infiltrate, Scout, Melee, and the Enemy's Deployment Zone

By Admiral Theia, in Rules

So, played my first game with rebel pathfinders the other day. My opponent deployed one unit in the middle of the board, then I deployed mine on one flank of his deployment zone (Battle Lines). He deployed Chewbacca right next to them.

Scout moves happen, he moves Chewbacca into melee with them. I scout move and do a speed one move back out (both units had the upgrade) as a withdraw. Turn 1 Chewie goes first and charges them.

Question is... Did we do this right? Did we mess something up there?

Well the first thing I see is that "Scout moves" happen as soon as you deploy the unit. I'm not sure where people get the idea that you deploy everything and then Scout triggers (40k?) but that is not how it works.

Also, you have to spend a units entire activation to withdraw. You couldn’t have used a scout move to leave a melee, so you would have been stuck in that scenario.

Also what he said. You place the unit down, then immediately perform the scout move.