MOB Games' August Casual TO report (brief)

By Kleeg005, in X-Wing Organized Play

Join us on Saturday, August 3rd for three rounds of filthy casual tournament play in Lake Stevens, WA. Doors open at 11am, dials down at 1130. $5 registration, with prizes drawn from Wave and other kits.

MOB Games

303 91st Ave NE, Ste E504
Lake Stevens, Washington 98258

Only four players on a lovely, sunny afternoon. But still a good time. Two Imps, one Rebel, and one Republic. Jendon/Sai/Vader took the whole thing in three rounds of near-perfect play, followed by Ani/Mace/Ahsoka, then Luke/Miranda/Warden, with Kagi/Soontir/Turr/Alpha bringing up the bottom. Everybody pulled lots of swag.





Edited by Kleeg005