The Juke Paint Challenge (Resistance Control Lists)

By Bucknife, in X-Wing Squad Lists

I wanted a new thread documenting my/our experiments with Resistance control lists...




Since Resistance hit Xwing in wave 2, I've been determined to make the faction-limited "Ferrosphere Paint" a card to be feared.

As of Wave 4 RZ2 A-Wings are the cheapest Resistance dogfighting platform for this upgrade (the Transport and Pod have very niche uses for this card, and it can bloat their points quickly).

T70's can't do more than 3 copies as of wave 4, and I've struggled to list build around that costing limitation.

With the RZ2, using Paint comes at the pretty steep opportunity cost of not using Optics on your 2-dice ship.

What are the EPTs that work out of either firing Arc and can potentially boost offense?

Juke and Trick Shot.

Paint is a Control upgrade, so why not go all in with control?

They only have 2 reds and NO Full Throttle free evades... Is Juke just bad, or is the combination with Paint secretly good?

I want to know...


- It has to have as many copies of Ferrosphere Paint as possible (2+) ** this is one of the most difficult requirements, but it is unique to Resistance and is part of what makes their version of a control list unique from other faction's control lists.

- Try to boost it's damage output indirectly via control upgrades (Juke instead of Trick Shot, Ion Missiles/Cannon or Homing Missiles instead of Concussion Mis. or HLC, etc).

-Try to incorporate dedicated blocking tactics as a component of control. This could be as simple as counting to 200 and building your list to move first, or as precise as using an I1 A-Wing with Intimidation or an I1 Bomber with no upgrades.

- Try to incorporate"Biggs-effect" target priority confusion as an element of control when selecting pilots. Look at a naked Lt. Bastion T70 or Tubbs T70 with R4, who can both punish your opponent for considering them "less-threataning" ships compared to your I5 aces.


Post squad lists here, and Battle Reports over in the other thread !

Edited by Bucknife
Misspelling and idea clarification.

RZ4 Juke Paint A's

(33) Blue Squadron Recruit [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 38

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 50

(43) L'ulo L'ampar [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 57

Total points: 195

( Battle report, here: . )

Edited by Bucknife


(Replaces Lulo with Zari, adds two copies of Ion Missiles)

RZ4 Juke Paint 2

(33) Blue Squadron Recruit [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 38

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
(4) Ion Missiles
Points: 54

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
(4) Ion Missiles
Points: 54

(35) Zari Bangel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 49

Total points: 195

Nodin Chavdri (36)
Ion Cannon (5)
Korr Sella (6)
R4 Astromech (2)

Lieutenant Bastian (48)
M9-G8 (7)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Zari Bangel (35)
Heroic (1)
Intimidation (3)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)

Greer Sonnel (36)
Heroic (1)
Juke (7)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)
Total: 199

Bastain locks nodin with m9g8, who can coordinate and focus every round, and with ion cannon now has focus and a reroll for 74% chance of getting 3 hits.

Bastian also has control element of m9g8 on an enemy ship for rerolls.

Zari has intimidation for blocks. Greer jukes and can get coordinated from nodin for mods.

17 hours ago, wurms said:

Nodin Chavdri (36)
Ion Cannon (5)
Korr Sella (6)
R4 Astromech (2)

Lieutenant Bastian (48)
M9-G8 (7)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Zari Bangel (35)
Heroic (1)
Intimidation (3)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)

Greer Sonnel (36)
Heroic (1)
Juke (7)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)
Total: 199

Bastain locks nodin with m9g8, who can coordinate and focus every round, and with ion cannon now has focus and a reroll for 74% chance of getting 3 hits.

Bastian also has control element of m9g8 on an enemy ship for rerolls.

Zari has intimidation for blocks. Greer jukes and can get coordinated from nodin for mods.

I am very intrigued by this list. part of me wants to change up some of the upgrades so I can fit Pattern on Nodin and Larma. open up her dial a bit.

Edited by Wiredin

No real need for Larma. I haven't found her useful yet.

On 7/15/2019 at 5:11 PM, napolyphonic said:

No real need for Larma. I haven't found her useful yet.

And I like the simple control Transport *Pammich with R4 and Ion so he can just get in there and blast people, back up a couple times ( his ability to move red while stressed ) then dive back in and clear all the stress.


Edited by Bucknife

New 3A+T Juke Paint list:

T+RZ3 Juke Paint 3

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
(4) Ion Missiles
Points: 54

(36) Pammich Nerro Goode [Resistance Transport]
(5) Ion Cannon
(3) Hull Upgrade
(2) R4 Astromech
(6) Korr Sella
Points: 52

(33) Blue Squadron Recruit [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(4) Advanced Optics
Points: 38

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(1) Heroic
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
(4) Ion Missiles
Points: 54

Total points: 198

Edited by Bucknife

My latest version doubles down on arc-independant Talents for the RZs with Juke and Trick.

No Ion.

Only enough points for Heroic Finn Pod and small bid (I prefer the 4 point bid since I'm paying for Lulo, or I'd just drop Lulo for Zari and put toys on Finn, but I think for a "4 Squad", in this case, Lulo+bid is probably the correct choice.


RZ3P: Juke Paint A's+Finn

(36) Tallissan Lintra [RZ-2 A-wing]
(4) Trick Shot
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 53

(43) L'ulo L'ampar [RZ-2 A-wing]
(4) Trick Shot
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 60

(36) Greer Sonnel [RZ-2 A-wing]
(4) Trick Shot
(7) Juke
(6) Ferrosphere Paint
Points: 53

(29) Finn [Resistance Transport Pod]
(1) Heroic
Points: 30

Total points: 196

I like the idea. With the expectation that Vader will become more common, and loves his target locks. I have only two RZ2's, though. I may have to tinker with this. Thanks for provoking the thought.

1 hour ago, Bucknife said:

@GreenDragoon or @Captain Lackwit or @Brunas , any thoughts on this since target locking Jedi are running rampant right now?

In general, hard teching against a specific meta list is usually a bad idea unless it's also broadly helping you. I think if Vader were running rampant, it would be a good idea, but since even now aethersprites only make up like 25% of the meta and they don't necessarily even need to lock for offense, it's broadly not a good idea to invest double digit points of your list to slightly slow them down.

There's nothing intrinsic to target lock on aethersprites that makes paint better against them than everything else, basically.

3 hours ago, Bucknife said:

@GreenDragoon or @Captain Lackwit or @Brunas , any thoughts on this since target locking Jedi are running rampant right now?

I wouldn't even put Juke on RZ-2s, insane as that sounds- and sure as **** not without heroic.

You have to pay me to pick another Talent for Resistance pilots. It's just the best one for them period.

4 hours ago, Brunas said:

In general, hard teching against a specific meta list is usually a bad idea unless it's also broadly helping you. I think if Vader were running rampant, it would be a good idea, but since even now aethersprites only make up like 25% of the meta and they don't necessarily even need to lock for offense, it's broadly not a good idea to invest double digit points of your list to slightly slow them down.

There's nothing intrinsic to target lock on aethersprites that makes paint better against them than everything else, basically.

Brunas, one of my losses at a Hyperspace flying Quad T70 was to a 2Jedi 2 Torrent who literally locked me every single action... And I generally think he was correct.

6 hours ago, Bucknife said:

Brunas, one of my losses at a Hyperspace flying Quad T70 was to a 2Jedi 2 Torrent who literally locked me every single action... And I generally think he was correct.

I mean I believe you, but that's mostly because they could. I doubt they needed to target lock you - it's just bonus points that they can.

Serious question:

How many copies of Juke should be in a Juke list? Is one even competitively acceptable if you don't have auto-evades?

Should Juke always be placed on your highest initiative pilots first, or with your lowest initiative pilots first?

Is FerroPaint costed out of competitive play right now? (I personally feel like it should be no more than 5pts).

Edited by Bucknife

Some personal conclusions:

(October 2019)

First, a few words about Jedi VS RZ2s... Republic Aethersprites are insanely good. That purple evade is straight money on any Jedi with 2+ force. They can use that evade+force+3agi to tank damage like champs, and the RZ2s just can't compete with that.

Also, the Jedi with 2+ force basically just target lock you and double mod all their attacks, which at range 1, or in their bullseye, or against any 7b variants, the RZ2s are in trouble with only a single-modded 3 agi. and their very rare heroic rerolls.


What the A-wings can do better is blasting past people and firing an uncontested Heroic+Optics attack. ( Of course, First Order Sfs can also do this, just without the Heroic on 2 attack dice part, so it's technically not as strong.)


What does all this mean for the Juke Paint challenge?

Spamming Paint on RZ2 diminishes the squad's average offense by a decently large margin, and the faction doesn't really have any reliable means to offset that difference by adding another piece.

Rebels have Wedge and Luke, and can also buy ordinance easier on cheaper platforms.

CIS has Seevor and Buzz Droids.

Empire has Howl and cheap Aces.


Resistance has Optics.

My very last variant is 3 RZ2 aces with Juke+Heroic+Paint and a filler T70 or Transport (or maybe a thicker Finn), but my hopes are not very high for consistency against the whole field.


Good luck, gents! Hopefully we'll see some life breathed into Resistance Control after a points update soon.