Crew Vs. Bounty

By Slash Macbain, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

Just picked up Outer Rim, and after a couple of solo runs to get my head round the rules before taking it to a group an odd thing occurred

I ended up potentially with the chance for Greedo as Crew (some freebie or something i think, cant remember exactly), while also having the Greedo bounty.

I looked through the rules but couldn't find anything, are you suppose to Automatically attack and take your bounty, or are you allowed to hold back on claiming it if you think the crew ability works well with your set up?

My thinking is just because you know the police are looking for someone, doesn't mean you have to hand them over haha

Edited by Slash Macbain


You can indeed decide to take the character as a member of your crew until they outlive their usefulness to you and then fight them for the bounty. Note that if you lose the fight you lose them as a crew as well and have to drop them off on the nearest planet with a counter space.

Nothing stopping you from hanging around and having another pop at them though.

There's something particularly evil in using their benefits as a member of your crew and then throwing them out of an airlock when the mood takes you, I love it 😉

Edited by Ancient Virus

Good to know I'm playing it right .. Thanks 👍

and I just see it as good Business, nothing personal 🤣

On a semi related note, there is another thread that links to a video of this very thing happening.... sort of.

It is called "the siege of Greedo's apartment". You should check it out