Alternative miniatures

By moryc, in Mansions of Madness

As in the title....any ideas?

Especially, star spawn...I``m thinking about chaos spawn from wfb, added wings, and maybe head from original ffg miniature, or....even better, veargheist from VC wfb range, love the poses, love the wings...just add the original ffg head...

And now something simple, ghost - i just dont like ffg miniature...thinking about classic metal wfb ghost from spirit host, or the new ghosts (bladegheist?? don't know the name, don``'t play aos, im die hard wfb fan ;) ) just whiteout weapons, added oil lamp/candle instead ?

I've looked at Reaper minis before - not actually got around to buying any yet, but they have some nice Cthulhu stuff in their Bones range.

Wasn't sure where to react to that as "confused" or "sad"...

6 hours ago, SDW740 said:

Turns   out the  new copies  might have better  mod  e   l     s

I guess this is actually good news... there are usually rumours that the game is dead (especially with the extended period before the latest expansion), but if it was they probably wouldn't put extra effort into the minis.

It would be nice if FFG offered some way for people who already bought the game to get a hold of these new miniatures without having to buy the whole core set again.

14 hours ago, Anoirtrou said:

It would be nice if FFG offered some way for people who already bought the game to get a hold of these new miniatures without having to buy the whole core set again.

Similarly to when you need a second set of player cards for AHLCG and would prefer not to pay for redundant encounter cards?
Yes, it certainly would be nice.