Another Battle Meditation Question

By Miles C, in Rules

My force user has battle meditation. My operative issues an order to her self (and no one else). My commando unit issues an order to itself because it has HQ Uplink. Can I move the order issued by HQ Uplink to a different friendly unit?

I'm unsure because battle meditation says "When you issue orders..." (emphasis mine). So is it only when the force user issues an order, or can it be used on orders issued by anyone?

You need to read the errata for the card, that makes it much more clear:

"While you are issuing orders using a command card, you may issue 1 of those orders to any friendly unit on the battlefeld, instead of a unit indicated on the command card."


Usually on FFG cards (upgrade or unit card) "you" does not imply the player instead it applies to the unit.