I painted these things.

By Cuz05, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

I've posted a few of my repaints in some of the Showcase threads. Now, I just took some quite nice pictures, (for a change), of a full squad.

So I figured I'd put a thread here, then I can dump some things in it. Which is nice and easy.

Bit of a slow and fussy painter, or a procrastinator, so content may be thin :D

Only flown this exact squad once, but I love all the things in it and have been using them a while. So they deserve the touch up.





Really solid work! Do please continue!

Some more stuff. An ongoing casual commission for a chum. Just finished his Transport this week, but previous work on Jedi and A Wings is also now imgur friendly.

The BB8 inspired Resistance crate.



And a couple of his chums.




Finally, a couple much older good guys.



Mace Windu ofc. The other being a direct copy of one of All Wings liveries, available as pilot cards and so on. Difficult to get the full contrast in a regular pic but it's too late now, they have moved on.


Thanks for viewing :)

One more to add.

Not a full repaint this one. My Resi mate had someone else paint this, since he was unaware of my own work at the time. The base red and white is from that repaint, but it was almost completely lacking in contrast, the white in particular was completely flat. It was then given a white windscreen and a gloss varnish. So I offered to tart it up for him.

Only 1 pic, a fairly rubbish one at that, unfortunately, the shading I put into the white is barely visible, leaving it still looking quite plain. Looks a lot better IRL.... I shall attempt to acquire an improved image when I next see it.

Nevertheless, L'ulo-


Edited by Cuz05

Got a little hooked on a new squad this week. Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 have previously been tarted up, which makes for a very sad looking 4th ship.

Soooo..... Enter Sabacc.



And exit quickly, no doubt.


Also trying Ved Foslo in the squad, so another touch up required.

Then I went over the Phantom again, because nothing is ever finished.





What brand paint do you recommend?

On 8/25/2019 at 8:36 PM, Cardistar said:

What brand paint do you recommend?

Sorry, I've only just seen this for some reason. I'm mainly using Coat D'arms , purely because it is a decent amount cheaper than the more commonly available Citadel paint. Quality does vary, some are very thin and certain shades do not mix well with others, but overall I've been very happy with it.

I wouldn't call this a recommendation per se, since I really just use whatever I can get, as long as it's specifically for miniature painting. I have topped up my palette with a few pots of citadel as well.

I think the real trick is just working towards the desired result with whatever you have. So layering, thinning, mixing... winging it.... :D

For example, the green A Wing has 2 or 3 different brands and a few different types of paint, from plain acrylic, through inks to that weird solid gel-like stuff...

On the yellow A Wing, my base paint is so thin and weak that it needed a few coats before layering up a watered mix of it, with red and brown inks for tone, and a thicker, white mix for highlighting.

Almost all of the grey/white on these models is simply a plain old grey primer, shaded and highlighted with pure black and white mixes, ink, paint and water.

I literally just make it up as I go along with whatever I have to hand. Even old dirty water :D

Edited by Cuz05

Coat D'arms was the previous paint manufacturer for Citadel.


40 minutes ago, CyCo said:

Coat D'arms was the previous paint manufacturer for Citadel.


I didn't know this....

Must be why I like it, exact same stuff I used for 40k, decades ago :D

On 9/7/2019 at 3:00 AM, Cuz05 said:

I didn't know this....

Must be why I like it, exact same stuff I used for 40k, decades ago :D

Must admit, I only found this out last year myself.

Been a little while. Have a few other Imp touch ups I never got round to sharing... Been putting off starting several large Scum ships... its daunting.

But I have finally completed a 3rd Fang for that squadron and none of them have been in this thread, so....

A theme kind of developed with these. 1st, nearside in the pic, was largely used as Old Teroch, later I noticed his livery vaguely suggested a T. 2nd, far side, ended up serving as Fenn, noticing at the same time as T, the suggestion of an F. Then we had Kad on the table, but they were obviously sort of taken so I needed a 3rd. Purely by chance, I can see a K in the livery I designed for him....

So these are my guys. Can't see myself needing a Joy.

Still can't bring myself to paint the 2.0 one, I like it too much.

None of this matters all that much now, they're all due in as Skulls. And maybe 3 Recruits, in which case, Fenn has the blue one on standby.



They'd look great with Kath... sigh

Edited by Cuz05

A great color choice for Fangs and those patterns are perfect for this ship. 👍

Been a little while but the current downtime needs filling and a new squad needed sprucing up. These little things have earned their new coat already and are a good base for my Scum scheme.

A little confusing for opponents perhaps, but needs must!




Next up, something special for the queen bee, Sunny!

Edited by Cuz05

This squad is great!





Turns out, my phone cam deals with natural light better and the contrast is more true, the previous pics were a bit colour saturated.

On 1/12/2020 at 12:17 PM, Cuz05 said:

And maybe 3 Recruits, in which case, Fenn has the blue one on standby.


They'd look great with Kath... sigh

Three Recruits and Kath seems like a perfectly reasonable little squad. 5 points for like 0-0-0 on Kath. Nothing too game-breaking, but probably a bunch of fun.

Half a year ago, I gave Kath (with Maul... the force is stupid good) + 2 Skulls a go, figured I didn't need to try for blocks, just fly Skulls to get to range 1, and if the block or bump, so be it. But mostly just as three solid-enough ships. I'm sure I could have flown a worse list.

7 hours ago, theBitterFig said:

Half a year ago, I gave Kath (with Maul... the force is stupid good) + 2 Skulls a go, figured I didn't need to try for blocks, just fly Skulls to get to range 1, and if the block or bump, so be it. But mostly just as three solid-enough ships. I'm sure I could have flown a worse list.

Same. I think I made some some wacky upgrade choices but it seemed like there was potential. Though I flew it like a lemon.

I think my sigh is possibly down to doing the repaint, as much as it is just 1.0 jealousy 😄

Speaking of laborious repaints.... This was a doozy. So I had plenty of WIP pic windows.

A nose into my approach then. And possibly hope for others, given my total lack of professionalism and nevertheless good results 😄

So I don't do much in the way of priming, since these minis are prepainted. The grey goes on just to give an even coverage on lighter colours, watered down and given 2/3 coats. The black base can obviously just go straight on, also thinned and at least doubled. Later, the metallics can also forgo a prime.

And here we have what appears to be a Pokemon.


Next one is included purely to show how thin the base red was. I mixed up a ton of it, put too much water in and then didn't want to throw a whole load more paint into it, I'd need some left over.... So, shrug, a zillion coats it will be....


Next step is to just bring all this base up nice and flat, so I can start on something more interesting.

A thousand years later.... voila!



This is your last glimpse of the underside. I did add metals, panel lines and some shading, but have gone no further. I may do at a later date, but it's not a noticible lack for play rather than display, and it is a time stealer.

So, those metals and panel lines come next. Like so...


Next stage is to add all the little details, markings, cabling etc etc. For maximum impact, I'm forgoing this pic and just throwing you straight into the final piece. I did the above, which took a little while, since I'm largely making it up as I go and seeing how it balances.

Then, after a days break, went all in on the highlights. The white details were done in the grey primer, shaded with what is not much more than dirty water, then brought back up with white. Everything else, apart from that grubby metal, the shading is all in the base coat.

There's not really any drybrushing, it's all just very, very wet and gradually whitened mixes of the base, often dragged out with a clean, dry or wet, brush as applicable. Basically, just a lot of working the tones and gradients.

And so, prepare thine eyes....





Assaj baby!

Edited by Cuz05

This is really beautiful. Thanks for this detailing of how you got here, it will be great for the community.

7 hours ago, Cuz05 said:

I'm no Shadowcaster fan I'll admit. Only flew the one given me a bit, and I never got used to her. Always thought she looked a but more Star Treky than Star Warsy.

That rant aside, this is a fantastic repaint, I mean really, really fantastic. The attention to detail is grand, and I especially like the checkerboard on this as well as on a Baron of the Empire (also a great paint update IMO).

I have ideas, but not the patience nor talent to perform such a feat. Congrats.

...If ever I have the chance, the next pint's on me!

Best Lancer ever!

That's mine!!




I really like the paint scheme you use on your Scums. It makes me think of the old Orks range of GW, but it fits perfectly here.

Your style is great, the only advise I can give you is to add some light effecst on the canopees of your ships.

3 hours ago, Gouniaf said:

I really like the paint scheme you use on your Scums. It makes me think of the old Orks range of GW, but it fits perfectly here.

Your style is great, the only advise I can give you is to add some light effecst on the canopees of your ships.

Funnily enough, it's the exact same scheme I used for my Orks 🙂

I totally get the canopy thing. Honestly, it's not really to my taste, I like them black. Plus I think it's hard to do it justice and I don't want to end up adding something that looks crappy, lol.

What I would like to do, is varnish them for a real glossy look, but I don't have anything to do that with atm. The wife doesn't use nail polish 😄