My Brother in law, is been on an imperial assault binge and is trying out making his own missions and characters, i said i will post his character to the forums for some feedback. it is a supply crate control character with a companion. any feedback would be great.
Jawa Scavenger
Health 10, Speed 4, endurance 5
White Defence dice
Tech YGB, Insight YG, Strength BB
Loot Box:
Action: When you open a crate draw two supply cards. - l ose when wounded
Finders keepers:
At the start of the mission draw three supply cards choose one and shuffle the rest back into the deck.
Droid Partner:
2 strain: Use during or immediately before your activation if BD15 is not in play, to put BD15 into play in an adjacent space. BD15 activates at the start or end of your activation.
BD15 (Droid Companion)
5 health, Speed 4 (Mobile)
Surge: 1 damage, Surge: stun.
Yellow attack die
White defence dice
BD15 can interact with crates
Magnetic clamp: Action- When BD15 interacts with a crate, place the crate under BD15's token. When BD15 moves, the crate moves also. BD15 speed -1 while on a crate
XP Cards
Full Pockets:
1 strain: When you Use “Loot Box” you may draw one card from the discard pile instead.
Exhaust: move a crate within 2 spaces adjacent to your hero
Crate Cover:
Exhaust: if you are adjacent to a crate or impassable terrain apply +1 defence while defending
Plug In:
BD15 Gains- you can perform (tech) test on objects that heroes can perform (tech) tests. gain a free success
Exhaust: Heroes within 2 spaces of BD15 may re-roll one dice when performing a Test
Explosive Lob:
Explosive Supply cards range increased by 2 spaces.
Exhaust: Add 1 damage to an Explosive Supply Card damage result.
1 strain: Reroll one dice result on Explosive cards
Scavengers Slide
2 health 1speed.
Exhaust: move 2 spaces towards the nearest crate.
Tech Savvy:
1 strain: exhaust this card. After an interaction is performed. Preform 1 additional action during
this activation.
1 Strain: exhaust this card. after an action has been used on a supply card, perform one additional action.
Scraps Metal:
Special Action 1 strain: exhaust this card. Push a crate 1 space. If it moves into a space with an enemy figure that figure suffers 2 damage becomes stunned and is pushed one space or Adjacent characters to the Crate become stunned.
Overcharged Explosion:
Draw an additional supply card from crates. You may use explosive and medical supply cards twice before they deplete.
Explosive Supply cards gain – 1 damage and Push.
When you use an Explosives card add one green dice to the roll