Spark of Hope: New deck ideas?

By Fromper, in Star Wars: Destiny

So all the cards from the new set were spoiled a few days ago here , so what deck ideas are people coming up with? I mostly play standard tournaments, so that's mostly what I'm interested in, though I'd like to hear trilogy ideas, too.

Here are a few of my ideas:

  1. Maul is 20 points elite, so I'm thinking he'd go well with a 9 point focus/money character like Sly Moore, Wat Tambor, or Watto, and the 1 point Retribution plot.
  2. I really like the idea of R2 and 3PO together. At 8 points each for one die, I'd pair them with a 14 point elite aggro character like K2SO or Padme.
  3. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this a month or two ago, but red villain got such a boost from Convergence that it may be a good time to bring back my Way of the Force era deck of elite Piett with two Mando Commandos. There are a couple of red and yellow cards in Spark of Hope that would help with this one, such as the return of Armor Plating and Armed to the Teeth, both of which were in my old version of this, and the new Desperate Measures card to eliminate enemy supports.
  4. I think the Youngling is my favorite of the diceless characters. Plo Koon's a good pairing, since he can copy the power action, so you can use the PA on both of them every round, and it's the equivalent of having two of It Binds All Things on the table at the start of the game. Just make sure you only put redeploy upgrades on the Youngling, since it'll be so easy to kill. I'm thinking elite Aayla Secura, elite Plo Koon, with a single Youngling.

What decks are the rest of you looking forward to making?

I am looking at using red villian Hask and possibly phasma in some way. Could be interesting.