15 hours ago, Ishi Tonu said:Peasant's Advice is your friend.
No I'm not trying to be snarky with some sort of "dies to removal" or "counterspell" equivalency argument.
I just think it's a highly underrated card that helps a couple issues most decks want to have answers for.
Being able to look at a face down province is important and not all clans have reliable ways to do this.
Shuffling something back into the Dynasty deck after they use Satoshi and a Rebuild to get it out there is a pretty nice trade off. At the very least it's going to force them to come up with that interaction a 2nd time, and, you might be able to disrupt that plan before they get to do it again.
With Phoenix pushing the "Charging Chicken" deck, and them also wanting their relevant holdings, it's a good card to combat that deck.
Being able to scout out Crane and Scorpion provinces so you don't run into the wrong ones is quite helpful.
I'd say PA is relevant against what is largely considered to be the top 4 decks/clans...……...yet, I rarely see PA on any list out there. Heck I mostly play Unicorn and have access to Wayfinder, but, I'm still packing PA to make sure I can always scout a province on turn 1 and to give me some utility against problematic dynasty flips/holdings.
I don't think that you are snarky, but this situation is "it dies to removal". And in this case the removal costs you even more than the threat costs your oponent. No matter what, you are trading unfavourably and if the Crab player wins the counter war over rebuild (which is very likely), it is gg most of the time. Same reason why Karmic Balance isn't a counter to the echobird deck.
Edited by Ignithas