Tiny Elite Waiqar Spearhead

By Skaflok, in Runewars List Building


Ardus IxErebus [37] 1x1
Dimodian Blades [5] -
Ardus Fury [1] -
Remove Unit [43]
Death Knights [24] 2x1
Dispatch Runner [7] -
Remove Unit [31]
Lord Vorunthul [40] 1x1
Obcasiums Gauntlet [5] -
Thirst of Bilehall [5] -
Remove Unit [50]
Carrion Lancers [27] 2x1
Combat Ingenuity [6] -
Master-Crafted Weapons [4] -
Remove Unit [37]
Carrion Lancers [27] 2x1
Combat Ingenuity [6] -
Master-Crafted Weapons [4] -
Remove Unit [37]

I find this list full of heavy damage. given good rolls it can obliterate unwary opponent in no time, despite having only 8 trays.

DK's are mostly for support role, so they spend first turn rallying, the rest is quite free with worms taking it easy, ardus between, and Lord destroying flanks operating as Panzer division

Hm. I might try this one the next time I run Waiqar. It is different than my usually swarm. I’m not sure i have much to comment on.

Strictly speaking, TS/Rank is more reliable damage output for 2x1 Lancers, but doesn’t provide as much for Ardus. So I’m not sure I’d recommended that change for this list.

72HP, so a relatively fragile list, but not as fragile as 8 trays would suggest.

This list is very compact and relatively easy to fit into most deployment zones. I struggle with making the worms more efficient on their own or better support for Ardus. You’re paying 10 points to turn them into a combat machine with no re-rolls. Maybe making one of them support (Simultaneous + Wind Rune) to lob Blights on select target. Ardus can then trigger off of the worms inate ability for Mortal Strikes.

Lord V with Obcasiums is just sick. Teleport in, drop the bomb and disengage to let it work. Great at killing heroes...

Don’t sell your list short on HP though. With that high defense, you will get some damage bounces, particularly with a well timed blight token...

I'm not sure Ardus is worth it rather than just running 4 more carrion lancers.

I only have six worms. Also, without ardus 2*1 dk's cannot have dispatch runner.

And (hard to admit) I have only 2 trays of dk's

also, worms deal average of 8 damage with dispatch it is 16. 0 is totally unexpected, but 12 is not impossible on a single roll. With TS and rank you make distribution more flat, with smaller peaks and need refuelling.

I need to consider whether to put one worm unit with simultaneous and wind rune though.

Ardus supported by these two can be devastating, as he will be very likely to actually deliver damage, usually 10-12. Those babies can obliterate 3*3 blocks quite quickly.

The biggest problem is attrition. You’ve got some good upfront damage, but as soon as either lancer unit loses a tray, it’s damage output is halved. For the CI/MCW build, a 2x2 or even 3x2 centerpiece is really what you want to capitalize on damage.

Case in point. The average damage on the 2x1 is 5.75, only rising to 7.75 with a hit modifier. Multiplied by 3 (two units and Dispatch) is 17.25. The average damage of the 3x2 is 8.625, multiplied by 2 for DR is 17.25. It only means finding a way to get 4 more points in the list somewhere.

Edited by Vergilius
Double post

Still, with 3*2 there is place for much weaker ardus (no dimodian blades) vorunthul as was and 2*1 death knights.

3*2 list is more powerful and healthy, but a lot less maneuvrable, with terrain restrictions as they are.

in my list one of worms can sometimes pull out flank attack, 3*2 will probably not manage it.

Also, 2 or three well timed attacks and you've already won battle of attrition (it will be like 25-30 damage) (ofc unless fighting against 12 tray reanimates with ardus supported by maro)

Edited by Skaflok
On 7/2/2019 at 3:55 PM, Vergilius said:

The biggest problem is attrition. You’ve got some good upfront damage, but as soon as either lancer unit loses a tray, it’s damage output is halved. For the CI/MCW build, a 2x2 or even 3x2 centerpiece is really what you want to capitalize on damage.

I actually played with a list similar to this one, but with reanimates/dispatch block, and the list massacred zachareth and his spearmen completely.

I really like concept of rerolls, but 2 blue rarely give no damage with this build and dispatch usually helps out in maximizing damage.

It is really hard to decide what to concentrate on, as 4 out of 5 pieces here are massive damage dealers who can take out heroes easily, and death knights are nothing to ignore mid game. Both worms can quickly cover distance tying up enemy charges wit i7-i3 movement, and after ardus catches up bloodbath begins.

Edited by Skaflok