Shuffling the encounter deck

By cgvenuti, in Rules questions & answers

i know this sounds like a basic question, but...

The cards often say to “shuffle the encounter deck” after searching it for a card, or after card is discarded “shuffle the discard pile into the encounter deck”.

I don’t see in the rules any reference to when you should shuffle discards back into the encounter deck other than when the deck runs out of cards or the card specifically says to do so. If it doesn’t say to, do you just shuffle the unrevealed encounter cards?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, you shuffle only the unrevealed cards, unless something says you to shuffle the discard pile in the deck too

As long as you are clear that the encounter deck is a separate game area to the encounter discard pile then you should be fine just following the instructions on the cards. It just so happens that a lot of effects ask you to search both areas at the same time. In this case, you should not shuffle the discard into the deck unless explicitly instructed to by the effect.

In general you only shuffle in the discard pile when the deck is empty in the quest phase , this can be important e.g. for shadow cards.

Also be aware of any scenario specific rules such as quests with the Sailing keyword.

Thank you both. So rees263 if the deck is empty when it comes time for shadow cards to be given, you would reshuffle then or are you saying only in the quest phase?

If the encounter deck is empty, you do NOT reshuffle it during the combat phase. If there is no encounter card left in the deck, you don't deal shadow cards to the enemies

11 hours ago, cgvenuti said:

Thank you both. So rees263 if the deck is empty when it comes time for shadow cards to be given, you would reshuffle then or are you saying only in the quest phase?

Enemies only get shadow cards if there are cards in the deck at that time. No need to shuffle for this.