Aphra's Ability?

By Rogue Dakotan, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

When you complete Aphra's personal goal, she can do a Market Action during the Planning Phase. Does this take the place of her normal Planning Phase action? So she couldn't say, move and shop during the planning phase?

It is specifically done out of sequence, and does not affect the Action phase, however it will be considered your ONE chosen decision for the Planning phase.

If you recruit the crew of W1-LE then you can also gain the ability to have a Market action during the Encounter phase as well.

On 6/18/2019 at 11:23 AM, Rogue Dakotan said:

When you complete Aphra's personal goal, she can do a Market Action during the Planning Phase. Does this take the place of her normal Planning Phase action? So she couldn't say, move and shop during the planning phase?

From the rules reference under "Planning" (final bullet point)


So basically she could buy 2 market cards in one turn to get an advantage?

Or even if just to bury two cards that might be useful to an opponent.

It's really handy if you kit her out to deliver cargo.