Afterburners (action card) Resources: Star | Star
- Play on any fleet ship with a speed of 2.
- This ship can no longer be targeted with Mag Blasts and Beam Blasts.
- (This card remains with the ship it is played on. It is discarded when the ship is destroyed.)
Cloaking Device
(action card) Resource: Diamond
- Play on any fleet ship with a speed of 1.
- This ship cannot be the target of Blasts or Squadrons.
- (This card remains with the ship it is played on. Discard immediately if this ship fires a blast or launches a squadron.)
Space Tug (action card) Resource: Circle
- Play on any fleet ship.
- For this turn only, this ship's speed increases by 1.
Experimental Prototype (action card) Resources: Diamond | Star
- Play on any fleet ship.
- For this turn only, this ship may fire any type of blast.
- At the end of the action phase - if this ship has 3 hull points or less - it is destroyed.
We've Hacked Into Their System! (action card) Resources: Circle | Circle
- Any Turn: Replace the current target of a blast or squadron with any Fleet ship in the same zone. If no other Fleet ship is available, the blast/squadron has no effect.
Jamming Pod (action card) Resource: Diamond
- Play on any fleet ship with a speed of 2.
- Ships in this fleet may not have Direct Hit cards played on them.
- (This card remains with the ship it is played on. It is discarded when the ship is destroyed.)
Point Defense (action card)
- Any Turn: Play on any fleet ship with a speed of 0.
- Discard a blast. Chose an enemy squadron attacking this ship's zone - it must return to its carrier.