App Sorting Feature

By FriendofYoda, in X-Wing Squad Builder

Is there a way to filter squads in the official app by faction or like a favorites tag or something? Right now I just have this huge list of names and it takes forever to find the thing I'm looking for

I know this is delayed but we are talking about a barely supported app that needs a lot of features to be added and bugs to be removed.

So there is a filter to separate things by factions. I used that a lot in my custom formats. Also it is often the only way to tell which Han Solo you are putting in your format as the crew slot doesn't label which faction.

As for Tags or other ways to sort it there currently is nothing of the sort. It would make updating my format easier if I could assign tags to ships and use it to sort out points. As of now it literally takes forever to set up a squad and even longer to make a custom format.

I've talked about the difficulty with the app features in the link below.

I've been banging on this drum since the thing came out. Might even have my own thread for this still on page one . The builder really needs a filter on your saved lists. It needs a lot more ability to manage saved lists. Some sort of revision feature where you don't need to either create another list or lose a previous iteration for just changing out or dropping one upgrade. There was/is a free MtG web based builder that did this. Also with all your lists some sort of way to make remarks about your thinking with the list would be terrific. This thing should have been the Rolls Royce of squad-builders.

Adding the maneuver dials was a welcome improvement. Still a freaking nightmare of scrolling within scrolling.

Edited by Frimmel
I do have a thread asking for this still on page one.