The three Hunters

By Aragorn_Is_Awesome, in Strategy and deck-building

Since we have had a lot of packs for LotR LCG and I've always loved Aragorn's line at the end of the 1st chapter of the Two Towers when he said "We are the three hunters!" So since I am pretty new in the game I would love to see some decks (using one core set plz!!!) using any version of Hero Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. Also, can you put until which packs I need to make the deck. Ty

There should be plenty of decks on RingsDB that feature this lineup. It was quite common when the second hero versions of Legolas and Gimli were released (during Sands of Harad Deluxe box). You can check out what expansions you need by clicking the eye icon at the deck's summary. An example for a deck might be this one, designed for newer players:

There are also other variations of this lineup, using either these versions of heroes, or the Tactics version of either, or Loragorn. Plenty of options here.

Thanks Durins_Father I'll be sure to check them out.

Edited by Aragorn_Is_Awesome

Thanks to you to DaleStephenson ill check that too.