Gloria Goldberg, reward question

By Krim.nielsen, in General Discussion

Gloria Goldberg’s personal reward says “ After you perform an action of a Tome Possession , you may recover 1 Sanity, gain 1 Focus , or spend 1 Sanity or 1 Focus to gain 1 Clue .”

Does this only work when using a tome thas has an Action? I’ve searched all my assets and there is only 1 tome that actually has an action. Seems pretty useless (I know some artifact tomes and maybe unique tomes have actions, but thats really random if she ever get one of those).

On 5/26/2019 at 1:12 AM, Krim.nielsen said:

Does this only work when using a tome thas has an Action?


On 5/26/2019 at 1:12 AM, Krim.nielsen said:

I know some artifact tomes and maybe unique tomes have actions, but thats really random if she ever get one of those.

She starts the game with one of those.