Hi all,
I have done 2 RPQ's now and not done very well at all, I am not sure if this is the right section for this but we will give it ago anyway.
This was my first list, only reason I didn't come dead last was because I had a buy round:
Luke Skywalker 160
Leia Organa 90
Esteemed Leader,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Chewbacca 110
Rebel Pathfinders 68
A-300 Long Range Config,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
Next list I came dead last but I had loads of fun with the list if I am honest. Sab's are great fun I just missed having something at range 4 that I could shoot with in the last game because of the terrain I he was up a tower.
Leia Organa 90
Esteemed Leader,
Improvised Orders,
Luke Skywalker 160
Force Push,
Force Reflexes,
Emergency Stims,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
2-1B Medical Droid,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
2-1B Medical Droid,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper,
Rebel Officer Upgrade,
Environmental Gear,
Rebel Troopers 40
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
Proton Charge Saboteur,
Emergency Stims,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
Proton Charge Saboteur,
Emergency Stims,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
Proton Charge Saboteur,
Emergency Stims,
Legion is the first war game I have ever played but I have had it since launch so I know most of the rules pretty well. I just want to get better, I am not sure if I am just trying list that are too out there or what. I really enjoyed the SAB's because not many people play them and not many people now how to play against them. The fleet troopers are great it was my positioning that was bad, they either got took out quickly due to bad rolls or didn't do anything because I couldn't get them in range.
Anyway I am after some tips and guidance about how to get better an may be win a game.