Multiplayer Fleet Battle Play by Post

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic


I'm curious if there is interest in our "gaming" part of the Armada community in playing an online multiplayer battle of Armada.

I would suggest a number of players per side, building and controlling a number of ships and squadrons each. Grand Admiral, etc, as normal.

In order to have this not take *forever* I would make the following changes:

1. No ship titles (Avenger, Demolisher, Yavaris, etc) or Aces (Luke, Dutch, Wedge, etc)

2. All ships ACTIVATE simultaneously. That is, all ships REVEAL their orders, FIRE, and then MANEUVER at the same time as all other ships.

Each ship would need to be given a set of orders that would be carried out by the GM, rolling dice in the event of confusion.

Each turn would start with the GM posting a picture of the battlefield and a log file from vassal allowing players to check ranges, arcs, etc, consider maneuvers, etc.

Then each player would need to send in a short set of orders for each ship that they command.

For Example:

CR90A with TRCs - "Elegant Hope"
ORDER: NAVIGATE - increase speed to 4, extra click at 1
TOKEN: Use REPAIR token to move 1 shield to FRONT
FIRE: Front arc - 2 Red 1 blue at ISD "Gargantuan" targeting right arc. TRC any blank or ACC, if ACC remains target brace.
FIRE: Side arc - 1 Red 1 blue at ISD "Gargantuan" targeting right arc. TRC (if not used in front) any blank or ACC, if ACC remains target brace.
DEFENCE: Use tokens to maximum effect - evade doubles as priority. Redirect front to Left, Right to Front if possible.
MANEUVER: Speed 4 - R, R, R, RR.

Squadrons will be interesting / challenging / impossible - a lot of discretion / randomness will have to be used by the GM.

All Squadrons activated by ships would move towards their designated targets and engage each other. Squadrons not activated by a Ship would still need an order from their controlling player to either MOVE or SHOOT.

Players would be able to chat among their team via a google doc or discord chat - but each player would still need to submit their own orders - we don't want it to be just the Grand Admirals calling all the shots for both sides.

The GM would be able to play (I think) as long as they had their orders in first - or were just trustworthy enough to be trusted.

I'd be interested in running a small game as a test to see if this concept has legs.

What do people think? Any interest? Any suggestions on improvements / changes/ ideas?

I love it. I already know you're a trustworthy GM. :)

How will you simulate simultaneous maneuvering in Vassal? For example, if CR90 and ISD both complete their maneuvers, they end up ramming each other head to head. Does the GM walk both of them back one notch, as long as they don't overlap anything else?

I'm game.

For moving squads in the squadron phase, it might be a good idea for the commanding player to submit a log file indicating his desired moves, which the GM will then try to approximate in the context of the moment.

By the way, I think this is on-topic enough to post in the regular forum, if you're looking for more players.

On 5/17/2019 at 3:32 AM, LTD said:


I'm curious if there is interest in our "gaming" part of the Armada community in playing an online multiplayer battle of Armada.

I would suggest a number of players per side, building and controlling a number of ships and squadrons each. Grand Admiral, etc, as normal.

In order to have this not take *forever* I would make the following changes:

1. No ship titles (Avenger, Demolisher, Yavaris, etc) or Aces (Luke, Dutch, Wedge, etc)

2. All ships ACTIVATE simultaneously. That is, all ships REVEAL their orders, FIRE, and then MANEUVER at the same time as all other ships.

Each ship would need to be given a set of orders that would be carried out by the GM, rolling dice in the event of confusion.

Each turn would start with the GM posting a picture of the battlefield and a log file from vassal allowing players to check ranges, arcs, etc, consider maneuvers, etc.

Then each player would need to send in a short set of orders for each ship that they command.

For Example:

CR90A with TRCs - "Elegant Hope"
ORDER: NAVIGATE - increase speed to 4, extra click at 1
TOKEN: Use REPAIR token to move 1 shield to FRONT
FIRE: Front arc - 2 Red 1 blue at ISD "Gargantuan" targeting right arc. TRC any blank or ACC, if ACC remains target brace.
FIRE: Side arc - 1 Red 1 blue at ISD "Gargantuan" targeting right arc. TRC (if not used in front) any blank or ACC, if ACC remains target brace.
DEFENCE: Use tokens to maximum effect - evade doubles as priority. Redirect front to Left, Right to Front if possible.
MANEUVER: Speed 4 - R, R, R, RR.

Squadrons will be interesting / challenging / impossible - a lot of discretion / randomness will have to be used by the GM.

All Squadrons activated by ships would move towards their designated targets and engage each other. Squadrons not activated by a Ship would still need an order from their controlling player to either MOVE or SHOOT.

Players would be able to chat among their team via a google doc or discord chat - but each player would still need to submit their own orders - we don't want it to be just the Grand Admirals calling all the shots for both sides.

The GM would be able to play (I think) as long as they had their orders in first - or were just trustworthy enough to be trusted.

I'd be interested in running a small game as a test to see if this concept has legs.

What do people think? Any interest? Any suggestions on improvements / changes/ ideas?

I’m down, but I highly doubt I will be competent!! 😂 😂

Oh well. Never hurts to try!

I have my busiest weekend of the year impending.

I hope to try this game the week after next.

I’m still thinking about the movement/ramming implications.


Will anything after Wave 7 be legal?

Legal is an interesting idea....

"I will make it legal", etc.

I'm actually thinking for the first run-though that there be no upgrades of any kind, just to see how this thing might work.

Edited by LTD

When are you thinking of doing this? Like the first week in June?


Another question. Squadron commands and engineering commands. Normally they have the same timing window. So which will come first?

Engineering, then Squadron

Ok, I’m taking sign ups for this game. Let me know if you are interested, and your faction preference.

I think for the first game we’ll play with no upgrades.

Yes I am. Imperial.


I'm definitely in. Imperial also.

In. Rebels.

It looks like the Rebels need some help. I'm in!

I'm in tenor.gif&ehk=cYapUZKkHTph3wvCT%2BFXoA

Edited by clontroper5

I’m in.

9 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

I’m in.

Which faction?

11 minutes ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Which faction?

Jabba Ohnaka is a friend to all!

Whichever balances.

Ok, 6 players means 3 to a side - which is enough I think. If more join, we can accommodate them.

I've sent PMs to both sides with a link.

800 point fleets, no upgrades of any kind for this basic game.

Pick objectives as normal, etc.

Let's make this happen, etc.

No more than 25% squads.

No admirals.

Max 3 flotillas.

Here is a question how will you resolve conflicting movement? I. E. 2 Ships are manuverig in a w@y that both will land in the same spot, who gets the spot and who rams the other? Or perhaps will both reduce speed and nobody gets the spot?

4 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

Here is a question how will you resolve conflicting movement? I. E. 2 Ships are manuverig in a w@y that both will land in the same spot, who gets the spot and who rams the other? Or perhaps will both reduce speed and nobody gets the spot?



