Miniatures for Ships in Rogue Trader

By Giaus Novus Khan, in Fan Art

Having already posted my Scratchbuilt Tyranid Fleet (which I still haven't had the opportunity to fight as Void Whales sad.gif ) I thought I'd also post a number of other fleets I've been working on - some are scratch built / others older or moden GW miniatures:

The Eldar Fleet (Using old Space Fleet Cruisers, new Eldar escorts and a Forgeworld Station)


The Dark Eldar fleet - Scratch built obviously!



The Rogue Tradre Fleet - a mix of old space fleet miniatures and modern GW ships.


The Ork Fleet (Obvioulsy scratchbuilt - but alot of BFG bits in there!)


A close up of the big Ork battleship:


The Ork Roks and Hulk with snow effect:


Another angle on the Hulk!


some of the other ships:


And if we ever get somewhere that has Tau...

Tau Fleet

Very Nice indeed cool.gif

I love the Dark Eldar fleet.

A tad late but you should sent me some of the Spacefleet Wraithships. ;)

Nice collection. Now paint 'em.

all nice work - Inspiring, in fact :)