UKGE Friday finishing times?

By Sadmiral-lack-pa, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

So if nationals (grand champs) starts at 9 am, is there any way to know roughly what time it finishes so I can sort travel?


Based on past years I wouldn't plan on getting out before 10 (maybe 11 if it goes long), particularly if you're staying for prizes. The hall is open until midnight.

@grumbleduke nice one!

There was an option last year (Euros) at the NEC to play 4 games on Friday and 1 + top 4 games on Saturday, but people had planned on the 5 games on Friday with Pods and Top 4 on Saturday, so it had to be that way.

10 o clock is a good time to plan to finish on Friday.

Any details on the winning fleet lists yet? I'd be interested to see a breakdown of what sort of fleets were used, looked like a lot of double ISD lists.