It Is TIME!!! (or This is NOT It!)

By sarumanthewhite, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Just thought I'd give folks an update on this project.

I've recruited @Church14 and @Jukey to help out and they've designed the Uthuk and Latari parts of this. We've exchanged our reviews and feedback on about half of the material and I'm working to get it all rolled up into a package which we can get out to the community here in the next few weeks. To be candid, I ran into some time constraints with work/family around the holiday and I'm also trying to find time to practice for Gen Con!!

Regardless, we are working on this and you're going to love it. We have about 100 cards for you and I'll start sharing some previews of it here shortly. Thanks for your patience!!!

What is dead may never die!!!