First Game, Rule Questions

By Vince79, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I played my first game finally (and lost, but that's besides the point). Thought it was great fun, but I ran into a few questions:

1) The app had told me to place two orcs on a certain place. Then in the Shadow Phase, it told me to move an orc two spaces and attack. Cool.

When the next Action Phase came around, I attacked the orc. When I clicked on the picture of the orc on the bottom left, it had the health meter for both orcs. And since I did extra damage on it, it damaged the second orc as well. But I had only moved one orc, the second one was out of range. Should I move ALL the orcs that are in a party when the app tells me to move one? Or should I only enter enough hits to kill one orc, even though I had scored more?

2) Is there a place on the app where you can check if you are in darkness? At one point the app said "The entire map is now in darkness". This was never mentioned again, so does that mean the map stays in darkness for every turn until it says it isn't? Or does it only last the rest of that turn? It seems like there should be some sort of icon or indicator that shows that the map, or a part of the map, is in darkness. It seems like you should be able to look at the screen and have it be obvious whether or not you are in darkness.

Each enemies Are handled in groups of one of more figurines. So in this case Yes. They should have moved together. So when app informs you to put one to x figurines to one area, keep that Group separate to other groups, so you know that those figurines works together. One reason app tell you to put a banner to some groups so that you will know what Group is what when there Are forexample several groups of ruffians.

darknes is small armoured head figurine is some indoor/cave map tiles. It is Also possible that whole Gaming area is in darkness, then you see it by having the same helmed head in the top left corner of the app. It is Also possible that the app instruct you to put some darkness tokens (helmed head token) to some areas. Those areas with that token Are considered to be in darkness.

27 minutes ago, Hannibal_pjv said:

darknes is small armoured head figurine is some indoor/cave map tiles. It is Also possible that whole Gaming area is in darkness, then you see it by having the same helmed head in the top left corner of the app.

Okay, I saw that helmed head in the left corner and wondered about it, but I thought it might have just been the "threat symbol", because it was right next to the threat bar.

Also makes sense that parties of orcs stay together. Thanks, Hannibal.

Since it was my first game, two things struck me:

Legolas being a better fighter than Aragorn didn't seem right to me. I'm sure Aragorn will probably do better as he gets better weapons and whatnot, but right now Legolas is a killing machine with that Great Bow that works off of his agility. Plus his weapon is ranged.

I also mentioned I lost. I think the game lulled me into complacency lol. It started out fairly easy and I was maxed out with inspiration and wasn't taking any wounds. Then at the end they kind of dropped the hammer down. I should have expected it and saved more resources, but I got sloppy.

Yeah it's not a fluke that Legolas is a better fighter than Aragorn, it's by design. I do find it annoying that some characters can only draw 3 cards with their weapons, but eventually Aragorn's tier sword will fix that.

Aragorn makes up for it by having a really good scouting ability which benefits others as well. He's basically a support character who's also good at fighting. He's also got one less blank card than other characters, and he's the only character who can strike, guard, sprint, scout, and remove fear with his basic cards alone. A "jack-of-all trades" character, and one of my favourites to play with.

I typically use Aragorn with sword and harp, or with the battle axe.

Edited by Elfik2018

Yeah I agree! Legolas is mean killing machine, but Aragorn keep his fighting Group going! He helps other characters to find their strong points and avoid weakness (scouting bonus) he can fight and defend, even heal so he really is the captain the croup can rely on! I find it thematically pleasing! He is a leader.

And Yes! You have to keep the Main focus in mind! What is your task, what is important in the long run! You can help various persons in the Middle Earth, but if you don`t stop the Evil deeds of the main villains, it does not help much if you find the lost animals of local Farmer. He will be gone soon after you Are!

Edited by Hannibal_pjv