Release Date?

By BlastyMcBlasterFace, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

Anyone know?

No one able to post in here knows, but I'll bet some credits I can tell you what the #1 question asked when they stream the game on May 7th will be...

2nd quarter as per today’s article, so this month or next month

I've heard this month from a couple of different sources, but no firm date.

I hope the Upcoming section status for Outer Rim is incorrect. Currently it is still “In Development” which would indicate it is much further away than the end of this month...

Seeing actual product being demoed seems to fly in the face of this status, though.

8 hours ago, RookiePilot said:

I hope the Upcoming section status for Outer Rim is incorrect. Currently it is still “In Development” which would indicate it is much further away than the end of this month...

Seeing actual product being demoed seems to fly in the face of this status, though.

There are a lot of examples of stuff that didn’t go through all the stages properly before hitting shelves within the projected quarter. Wave 3 of X-Wing Second Edition wasn’t even on the list at all until it suddenly showed up as “Shipping Now” two weeks before its release.

In the livestream today they said "late this month".

No "Shipping Now" status so far today, which most likely means that we'll see that happen next Thursday, which means a release date of the 30th, not the 23rd.

or June 13th as the new article states


Edited by Amanal

I’m saying tomorrow or Thursday 😎

Site's been updated. July 13th. So yeah. Still Q2, but only just. 😕

For those who were watching the chat on the live stream video recently, apparently FFG doesn't know when the end of May is.

On 5/14/2019 at 7:34 PM, Amanal said:

You just had to say it. Because now the Barnes and Noble website says June 24th. (Although, that's a Monday, so either June 20th or 27th.)

Still 'In Development' in the Upcoming section. I haven't really trusted this section of the site for years though.

No rules PDF available yet and they tend to post them when games are almost released (or a week leading up to it).

Latest article has no date on it when the previous article had a mid June date.

We must be getting close now because of the frequency of the articles - one a week?

In summary - I have absolutely no idea but maybe in the next 4 weeks?

June 13th seemed pretty specific in the High-Stakes Job article.

On 5/22/2019 at 8:38 PM, Gallanteer said:

No rules PDF available yet and they tend to post them when games are almost released (or a week leading up to it).

Probably get the Learn to Play soon. The Rulebook will probably come out a week or two after release to give them a chance to FAQ little things.

As for the coming soon section of the site, I just don't bother with it anymore it only gets updated now and again and isn't worth the time or effort.

1 hour ago, Amanal said:

Probably get the Learn to Play soon. The Rulebook will probably come out a week or two after release to give them a chance to FAQ little things.

Was it ever FFG practice to release (online) Learn to Play and Rules Reference separately? Or release amended versions of rulebooks instead of FAQ documents? (Long time ago, perhaps.)

Both are already available for perusal for over a month, by the way (scans from pre-release copies).

I just got a confirmation, that the game has shipped from my local store here in Denmark.

For what it is worth, the Upcoming page was updated to “On the Boat” for Outer Rim today.

13 minutes ago, RookiePilot said:

For what it is worth, the Upcoming page was updated to “On the Boat” for Outer Rim today.

You gotta love FFG. They've developed it and now its on the boat. They'll print it later.

Just got a dispatch notice from my retailer...