Taking single actions between players

By Thaeggan, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Edit: Reference Rules part 2.5. Not sure why I find what I was looking for after I make a post about them 😒

--- Players must complete their two actions before the next player can ---

Is there a rule that says players can or cannot take 1 action, then an other player takes 1 action?


Player 1 moves into an orc's space as their first action

Player 2 attacks the orc but doesn't kill it to forcing player 1 to finish the job

Player 1 kills the orc as their second action instead of moving again

Player 2 moves as their second action

Edited by Thaeggan

Each player takes their two actions, before the next player takes theirs.

its a core aspect of how you take your turns