Test Question

By Lord Citrus, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Want to clarify if there is a difference between tests and attacks.

Word of Warning says when a character makes a Agility test, discard this add 1 success and scout 1.

If Legolas makes a bow attack, agility, does this trigger or is it only for interactions?

Or save a saving test to prevent damage?

I thought it would but again want to clarify

If you're drawing cards and looking for success/inspiration symbols, it's a test. Attacking, negating, interacting, last stand... they're all tests.

Awesome that’s what I thought, thanks for confirming.

Other Question....

If your draw deck runs out of card during a test (or attack), and you have to re-shuffle the deck - did you also re-shuffle they allready drawn one for this test and must remember. (didnt tink so, otherwise gimli's special ability has a handicap)

2 minutes ago, Impish1234 said:

Other Question....

If your draw deck runs out of card during a test (or attack), and you have to re-shuffle the deck - did you also re-shuffle they allready drawn one for this test and must remember. (didnt tink so, otherwise gimli's special ability has a handicap)

76.1 If no cards remain in a hero’s skill deck, that hero shuffles their skill deck discard pile to create a new skill deck.

Since it says you shuffle the discard pile, you don't shuffle the revealed cards too.